6- Project : in progress

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Neteyam POV 

Once again, this morning, I woke up early to go fly training with my parents. We were going back home, but I wasn't that focus on my flight. 

This has been a week since the "deal" she proposed to me. I haven't seen her since, as I was busy with my duty, training with my parents, spending a bit of time with my siblings. They've grown a bit worried for me since we all met her, though I assured them it was fine. My mother is particularly protective. But I trust my father, and I trust my people. It is not rare for Na'vi to get arranged marriage. This one is particularly important for the future of my people. I cannot disappoint them. 

The only problem, in all of this, is her. She doesn't seem to agree to any of this. Though, according to what my father taught me, she had been specially trained for this mission. At least, that's what they told him. 

After the first time we met her, he tried to reassure me by telling me all he knew about her. It wasn't much, and now that she bluntly told me she did not want to become my mate, I even wonder if any piece of information he told me about her was true. 

She was said to be calm, obedient like a soldier, like him and curious about learning. For all I know now, she is annoying, stubborn and did not try to come learn anything about Na'vi in a week. Not really what I thought my mate would be like... Even though, she left me the choice. 

I smile. We are finally seeing our home. I start to lean forward, communicating to my Ikran to go downward, following my parents. Perhaps this choice is a huge decision, but this is probably the first time in my life I am given the choice. Not that I don't like my role as the eldest of my siblings, of course.

I wonder what she could be doing. Even though my own father used to be a human, I know very little about them. When she proposed her deal, all I did was nodding to her. To be honest, I did not know what to say. Nor what to do. So we just parted. She returned to her spaceship, her small figure getting even smaller as she got farther and farther. I saw her from afar. I think she turned back to me, before entering that metal block. I think. 

Harmony POV 

Once again, this morning, I woke up early to go training with all sort of people. There were always the man directing the mission, some scientists here and there, and of course, guards. I don't really know why I always have them around. On earth, I was allowed to be by myself, or more like I allowed myself. 

I have been in this room, with people staring at me through a huge glass window, while I cannot see them. They're giving me instructions. I follow them. 

I hit, punch, strike, beat, kick whatever they give me. Not answering them, not speaking. 

I still do not know what took over me a week ago, when meeting neteyam for the second time. I was told to make a good impression, and insulted him of a tall blue cat. Not that I wanted to sound mean, but I doubt he wants to mar- Mate, mate with me anyway. 

Mate is such a weird word, I think while throwing a punch. I still wonder why I wasn't taught this. I mean, I was taught some things about Na'vi. Well, mostly about Pandora. I know the forest are huge, not to touch animals, and that they all have a deep connection to nature. Actually, on earth, I was mostly taught about how dangerous all of that could be. I never imagine the forest -or at least what I saw for now- could be this... beautiful. 

I must admit, spending my life preparing for this mission made me forget that I was actually going to do this. Now that I am here, I realize that everything humans talked about is true. I haven't seen much for now, and I doubt Neteyam or any Omaticaya would come by to show me. Last time I saw him, I screwed our marriage. Smart, I know. Somehow, I let my thought become sayings. I was taught Na'vi were dangerous. Very dangerous. Neteyam did not try to harm me when I told him I was not gonna marry him. This was a stupid decision. I ruined the mission in a simple sentence, and I still don't know why I even said that. No, I do know. I never got to choose. I got to be part of this mission even before my birth. So maybe for once, with somebody who did not know me, I wanted to get the choice. 

That was not my proudest moment, ruining my work for years. But I cannot take his only chance to have a mate. I may not look like it, but I believe in love. Na'vi are deeply connected to nature, and between each other. I am not part of any of this. And when I look at the glass window, mirrored, I see an attempt to look like a Na'vi. I am not a fool. My whole existence is based on this mission. But inside, it feels unfair. 

I wonder how people on earth are doing. Last time I was there, years ago, before the trip to Pandora began, I could feel people worrying about the future. It was no secret that the damage humans caused to the earth were now irreversible, and that we had run out of solution. Seeing Pandora made me wonder how we came to this, while we had our own Pandora at the start. And I am glad that Pandora's inhabitants seem to be more respectful that we are, so this planet will never end up sick like earth. 

Lost in my thought, my training was getting chaotic. I almost took a bullet. Those couldn't hurt me. Of course. It would cost them too much to lose me for the mission, perhaps. 

Then, seconds after, training suddenly stopped. The man in charge of the mission barged in the room and grabbed my arm. 

-"What are you doing, Harmony ?" he bent over me and asked, though I could not tell if he was really irritated. 

-"Sorry, sir." I said, without trying to sound sarcastic. He got back up and announced to everyone:

-"Playing's over. Go back to your duty." 

And so, everyone left, but him and I. His look fell back on me. 

-"Now, tell me. How are you, Harmony ?" his voice sounded almost nice. 

-"I am fine, sir." 

-"And how is the mission going sir?" he added. 

I swallowed. 

- "Fine, sir." 

-"You haven't went out for a week. Why is that ?" 

-"I haven't been called, sir." I said, not daring to look directly at him. 

-"You do not need to be called anymore. I thought I made that clear. You have to go with the Na'vi during the day, always come back here at night."

-"I thought it was a proposition, sir. I am afraid I do not know the forest well. Without anybody, I could get lost." I said, fully knowing I had a tracer on. 

-"Quit playing, Harmony. You must learn the Na'vi's ways. Otherwise, how could the mission work ? How could you marry that Na'vi ?" 

-"Sir," I tried to talk, a dry feeling in my throat, "what if he doesn't want to? what if... I don't-" I almost whispered because he cut me off.

-"You do not have the choice." he articulated. "You do not, Harmony. Do what you have to do to marry him." he had bent down to stare directly into my eyes. 

-"Fine, sir." he let go off my arm, and I walked away, toward the door. Just as I reached it, I slowly turn around. 

-"Anything else ?" he asked, his deep voice echoing in the room." 

-"They don't marry, they mate. And his name is Neteyam." 

He smiled menacingly, and I left before meeting another pair of eyes. 

-"You called ?" he simply asked, his amber eyes looking down at me. 

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