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In this world when your soulmate gets hurt you get a mark and if you're close enough you'll feel the pain, the mark is in your soulmate's favourite colour, so Glinda get marks in greens and black, but elphaba thinks they don't have a soulmate as no one else seems to see that they aren't a monster, and she has no markings appear, except once or twice but that could be her magic acting up, as all she had was a small pink scrape on her knee and a bruise on her arm, and anyway if she had a soulmate they'd be covered by bruises from the boys and girls pushing and pulling her for her unusual colour, as well as what was happening right now, one of the boys was grabbing her top pulling her to him, then he pushes her back into the wall, then he turns her around and pushes her back into the wall but that wasn't the worst thing, the worst thing happened at break, some of the guys had found a mud puddle, had cornered her and thrown mud at her, she know that she would have a rash after this from the water in the mud, but she doesn't run, she's used to this.

Glinda has a black rash appear over her arm and a green one on her leg, the younger girl smiled, maybe her soulmate was a brave prince who loved to adventure, and that's why they were getting so many rashes, from the plants, but if she knew she would have been upset for what her soulmate had been through.

At Shiz uni

She had been forced to room with a blonde woman but she could get through whatever she was put through, she watches as the blonde, Glinda, hits her arm painfully on the bed post whilst trying to get up, suddenly her arm stings, pain coursing through it, her uniform not hiding the pink mark on her green skin, so her hand darts to it, making sure that no one sees.

Glinda was walking down the hallway the she sees something from the window, it's elphaba, her roommate, being pushed into a mud puddle, it's not to deep but it's absolutely able to cover her roommates arms and legs, she sees elphaba reach her arms and try to scratch of the mud, and feels pain pulsing through it, her uncovered arms now having small green and black scratches appearing on her arm, she runs up to her dorm, thoughts running in her head, thinking that she can't be elphaba's soulmate, as it was clear they couldn't stand each other, and they wouldn't be accepted if they did, Glinda lay on her bed, it was just to confusing.

As soon as elphaba walked in she could tell something was off, she sighs, her shampoo probably ran out, or her high heels were one attometer short, but she still asked what was wrong, then she sees the scratches and the rashes in their unusual colours, in the same places as hers, she gasps, and her roommate curls up and pulls the blanket over herself, then elphaba walks out, because if her roommate was looking so upset she was her soulmate that probably means she'll join the other people and bully her, or tell everyone that the marks were a curse placed on her by elphaba, and try and get her kicked out.

Glinda had sat in the library all day with a hand full of flowers, but elphaba hadn't come into the library yet, so the blonde went to search for her near the end of the school's grounds, she sits next to her and hands her the flowers, she feels a head lean on her shoulder, a smile spreads across both girls faces.

After elphaba became wanted 

She holds Glinda close, savouring the memory, as if anyone found them Glinda would be stripped of all titles and she would be killed,  she hates the fact she has to leave for day, and sometimes weeks,  but she would always come back.

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