After all, everything the Chancellor does is for the good of the Republic.

With that, the Commander leaves the office worldlessly leaving him alone one more. Luckily he didn't have to wait long for a few minutes after the clone had left his holo pad activated. It was time.

After closing all the blinds and grabbing his signature cloak, he approached the holo pad that was now acting as the only source of light. The deep blue light reflected on his face but failed to light up the entire room, leaving the shadows to surround him. At this moment the whole world could've been drenched in darkness and he wouldn't care. The only thing that mattered was fixing the problem at hand. The problem the Kaminoans have brought upon themselves.

The holo pad vibrated signaling the people on the other end were waiting to be answered. Pressing a button the holo pad sparked to life with two Kaminoans taking form. Based on the harsh glances he was receiving from the pair he could tell they too were less than pleased about the situation.

"Talk," he said in his signature gravelly voice.

The meeting had officially begun.


Anakin found himself walking down the empty halls of the Jedi Temple. During the day the temples bursting with activity: Younglings laughing in the halls as they travel to their next class, Jedi congregating after a meeting, and droids were making their own commentary regarding the situation. But at this hour no one was wandering about.

The nights at the temple used to freak him out as a kid, he wasn't used to so much silence. Back on Tatooine, there was always some noise going on in the background. Usually a loud drunk walking home or the growls of some predator trying to claw its way in. More often than not it was just the sounds of the desert reminding its inhabitants that it too was alive and dangerous. Despite all that Anakin got used to sleeping with noise around him. So much so that moving to the temple really affected his sleep schedule

A bit ironic since he moved from one of the most Outer Rim planets to one of the biggest ecumenopolis in the galaxy only for him to complain it was too quiet. This was mostly due to how isolated the Jedi Temple is from the rest of Coruscant. It was done on purpose to allow the Jedi to have peaceful meditation and privacy from the rest of the planet.

Yet it would be a lie for him to say that lack of noise was the only reason he couldn't sleep. The first couple of nights after his arrival were plagued with horrible stress-induced nightmares centered around his Mother. How could he not think about her, all alone on that force-forsaken planet to be treated like nothing?

It is best not to dwell on those thoughts, one cannot change the past, only look forward for the next move. Or at least that's what Obi-Wan would say or something like that. Anakin has yet to obtain his old Master's poeticism.

"Anakin," speak of- he thought. The Jedi Knight turned to be greeted by his old Master, who was stripped of his battle armor but still wore his Jedi tunic along with his long Jedi robe.

"Where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you," he pressed as they walked side by side to the council room.

"I was at the Senate building," answering honestly. Anakin kept his face forward but felt the side eye he was receiving from Obi-Wan piercing through his head.

"I do hope you gave Padmé my regards."

"Senator Amidala wasn't there actually," he responded a little too quickly. "Oh," Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow "then what was the purpose of your little excursion."

"I met with the Chancellor actually. He invited me over, so I took it as an opportunity to update him on the latest accomplishments of the 501st while also introducing him to Omega and the predicament we now find ourselves him."

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