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I wake up the next day to a text on my phone from Chan.

Channie 🐺

Hey u up yet?

I am now what's up

we're meeting up today to meet your partner remember?

Yeah I remember
What time?

30 minutes ago


so now im responsible for  when you wake up?

I'll be there in 20
send me the address please


I basically throw my phone beside me and jump up to get ready. I put on my sweats and compression shirt after brushing my teeth and styling my hair. I grab my skate bag and make sure everything is in it before I throw my shoes on, grab my jacket and head to my car.

I look up the address Chan sent me and put in my phone. When I reach the rink, I realize its the same one I used to practice in before my mom died.

I find a parking spot and quickly make my way inside. I text Chan to ask him what section they are in. After receiving his message, I make my way to rink three, practically running to reach it.

When I make it to the rink, I realize it's a closed off one and I have to have a card to get in, 'convenient' I think to myself. I text Chan to tell him I'm here and he finally comes to let me in.

We make our way to the benches and just before we make it there Chan speaks up. "By the way, he's about halfway through a practice right now. So make sure to be quiet.'' He says.

"I thought we were practicing as a duo today.'' I say to him, it comes off a bit more like a question though. "We're all going to help you get back into it but yes. We have to find something for you to dance to first. But since you were late, he decided to practice his usual routine.'' I nod my head in understanding. "Okay, go sit your stuff down and put on your skates.''

I do as he says once we reach the outside of the rink. I can hear the music playing and see a blonde boy on the ice. I notice he's dancing to 'Claire de Lune' as the piano slows down, like its about to be over.

I sit down on the bench to put my skates on, but I just can't pull my eyes away from the blonde boy on the ice. He's moving so fluidly. His turns are sharp but yet so soft. He does slight jumps here and there. as the piano reaches its slowest point, just before stopping, he pulls his leg up to do a one-handed biellmann spiral, one of the harder spins for males to do. It requires a lot of flexibility so it's rare to see in men's figure skating, but he does it perfectly. He spins quickly and beautifully. He drags one leg out and pulls himself to a slow stop.

He stands with one hand in the air as the music stops, looking at it longingly.

He was in perfect character, like the music had taken over him completely. My eyes were still glued to the male as he made his way back to the gate, reaching his hands over it to grab his water bottle that was sitting on the ground Infront of me.

I wasn't aware I had still been staring until the blonde spoke up. "Are you done staring yet?" He says sharply, slight anger laced in his tone. I pull myself back into reality as I bring my eyes to his. I study his face and notice those beautifully placed moles and full lips. I realize it's the boy from the store yesterday.

Cold to the Touch |Hoonki|Where stories live. Discover now