Vera was sitting on the couch, one leg propped up as she read a book. She was about halfway through it, scanning the pages with a ferocity that rivaled Callie's. Callie smiled to herself that she could already see such similarities between her and her childhood friend, despite the loss of her memories.

"Vera," Callie said hesitantly, her voice small. Vera sat her book down immediately, not even caring if she lost her page, and was up in a flash, her arms wrapped around Callie's neck. Callie hugged her back, inhaling her warm sunshine and vanilla scent. She couldn't remember her, but her scent still felt like home. Callie's knees could have given out from the relief it brought her.

"I have missed you every day," Vera said into her hair. "I have bit my nails down to the quick and lost weight and have felt so alone since I lost you. You are an immovable object in my life, Callie. If I had really lost you, I don't think I would have ever recovered from that." Callie's eyes welled with tears at the statement, and her throat was thick and burning with all she wanted to say but didn't know how.

"Can we go somewhere to talk?" Callie asked, pulling back from their embrace. Vera beamed, eyes red from tears and cheeks flushed with emotion. She nodded, knitting her fingers easily through Callie's like she'd done it millions of times.

"I know just the place," she said, leading Callie out the door and down a winding path of stone. They talked about immediate things. How hot it was outside, how much Rhys irritated Vera, or that Vera may or may not have been engaged. Callie stopped short when she saw where Vera had been leading her.

There was a stone wall with waves beating against its surface. It was a place to sit and stare out into the sea, unable to see land at all. Callie had never been here before, but she knew she'd been somewhere exactly like it.

"I found this place about a week after we got here," Vera said, wiping her tears from her cheeks as she smiled nostalgically. "It was the first thing that gave me hope that I'd see you again." Callie's heart squeezed at the notion of her friend pining so hard for her return, spending every day here, staring out into the sea and praying and hoping even when it seemed impossible. She'd never given up on Callie being out there somewhere. She'd told Rhys over and over that she knew in her soul that Callie was still alive. She'd felt it in her soul that the other half of her heart was still beating despite how far away it'd gone.

They sat down on the wall, still hand-in-hand as they talked. It was the first time Callie felt like she was able to lay the weight on her shoulders down and just exist. There was no pretending with Vera. She had a bullshit detector that never missed. And she never judged. Whoever Callie was in that exact moment was all Vera ever expected from her. She loved Callie for exactly what and who she was. She was an unwavering friend, loyal until the end.

"You're my main girl, always, Cal," Vera said, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand. "You are me. So much of me lives in you just like your heart beats inside my chest. We are mirrors of each other. My favorite parts of me are the ones that look like you." Callie laid her head on her friend's shoulder, letting the tears fall freely and not hiding them or shoving them back down. For once, she allowed herself to feel it all.

"So, what's this about you being engaged?" Callie asked, raising her eyebrows expectantly. Vera blushed and buried her face in her hands. Callie giggled and pulled her hands away.

"So... Right when you moved to the Night Court with shadow boy, I also moved. I went to the Autumn Court. At the time I had no idea why, but I just felt something pulling me there. I just knew I needed to go. Once I got there, I was working with this lady as a dressmaker. It was actually your mom who first taught me how to sew. I made this gorgeous gown for the Lady of the Autumn Court. It was a deep magenta and had a corset bodice with hand sewn jewels. Her son was sent to retrieve the dress before the Harvest Moon and the moment he walked in, I just knew. He's a royal pain in my ass, but also kind of perfect for me? He can handle me on my bad days and never tries to tame me. He likes how wild and headstrong I am, even if we bicker because of it. Eris was destined for me somehow, some way." Callie felt her heart warm at the idea of her friend being loved well in the way she deserved and being happy. Especially now that Callie was here, Vera just seemed totally and completely happy. She'd never needed much more than the people she loved. The rest was all background noise to her.

"How is shadow boy, by the way?" Vera asked, squinting from the sun.

"Exhausted, honestly. I worry about him a lot. There's a lot of him I don't remember, but it seems to come naturally most days. Like being with him was muscle memory, something carved into my bones. I don't need my memories to know how I felt about him. It blooms in my chest still and never stopped. Rhys took everything, but he could never take that." Vera kissed her friend's cheek, holding her closer.

"That's beautiful, Nina," Vera said, using a nickname she had in childhood. The word triggered something inside of her and itched at the back of her brain.

"It's the same with you, you know," Callie smiled. "I remember how much a part of me you are. Telling you my innermost thoughts has always been easy. I can feel that. My body knows it's safe with you, that I can relax and trust that you know me and want what's best for me." Vera's bottom lip wobbled, but she bit it promptly to stop the movement.

"Bitch, don't you make me cry again and ruin my makeup," Vera joked. "I have a fiancé inside and I beat my face with makeup this morning. He hasn't even seen me so if you ruin my face before I see him, I'll kick your ass." Callie grinned a huge toothy grin. Her nose wrinkled slightly at how happy she was to be beside Vera.

"I couldn't figure out what was missing inside of me. Even when I was with Azriel, my heart still needed you. Azriel may be my mate, but you're my soulmate. I finally feel whole again." Callie said, hugging Vera again. They talked for hours in the evening sun, reminiscing (well, Vera did, and Callie listened) about their childhood, laughing, and crying. Once it was time for dinner, they walked back to the house together, feeling much lighter than they had when they'd left.

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