2. the magazine

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"But this is very risky, Rushda." Sadia warns. 
"It is. But someone had to take this risk and also Rida promised.."
"You guys were warned to be away from guys in high school too. But Rida failed to. One wrong mistake of hers-"
"I hope she respects the fact that I spoke to Baba for her and for that sake stop taking such steps that will land me and also her in trouble."
"Your whole future is in her hands. Riaz uncle is a stubborn man, he won't change his decisions easily."
Rushda simply nods. "Nothing can be done now." Sadia's phone rings. Saad bhai calling.
'I wish you knew how much bhai loved you and how desperately he wants to marry you, take you home, and give you all the freedom you desired.' Sadia thought as she kept hearing her brother speak on the call, looking at Rushda who was busy having breakfast.
'Saad's here. I'll have to leave." Sadia says quickly trying to finish the food on her plate.

"Yeah. I have to prepare for a seminar so I had asked him to be early."
"Ok but at least ask him to come in until you have food."

"If I take long, he will. He doesn't need an invitation." Sadia says chuckling.
"As he should." Rushda says with a small smile.
Rushda and Sadia continue with their breakfast.

Rushda stands at the door bidding farewell to Sadia.
"Next time, you are going to stay longer." 
"Of course-"
"Oh god, how long Sadia?" Saad tired of waiting, comes out of the car. And turns to see the person she was talking to.
'Rushda. In a red outfit? It is the end of me now." Saad thought as his eyes met those dark brown eyes. He gulped and took a deep breath before he asked her softly, "How are you, Rushda?"
"I'm good. What are you up to these days?"
'kaash hal-e-dil bata sakta tumhe.' he thought as he looked into those eyes.
"Well, I have been promoted to Senior Team Lead last week, and have been very busy since."
"Oh, that's a piece of great news. Sadia didn't tell me." Rushda replies, looking at Sadia.
"Yeah, it slipped out of my mind." Sadia quickly replies.
"Well, congratulations." Rushda looks at Saad with a huge smile on her face. "Thank you."
'She wasn't the one who felt jealous of watching others having what they desired. She valued others' desires and dreams as her own and was happy in others' happiness. But I knew behind this smile of hers is a girl who is deeply heartbroken as it reminded her of her dreams. I wish you knew, Rushda how badly I desire to give you everything you desire.'

"We will leave now." Sadia says as she starts walking towards their car.
"Yeah, bye." Saad waves his hand to Rushda. Rushda waves back at him smiling.
'That smile makes my day.'

Days passed by, and Rida was busy with the admission procedures and preparing for university. And finally came the first day of university.
"Rushda, I'm so excited." Rida says excitedly.
"As you should be."
"Finally. I'm here. Studying at one of the most prestigious universities." Rida says proudly. Rushda smiles at her. "Just remember your promise."
"Oh my god, why are you so worried? Nothing will happen." Rida leaves feeling annoyed. 

'Did I make a mistake? Will everything will certainly be alright?' Rushda fears. 


"I don't have cash, just this card." Rida hears as she comes out of the car in front of the university. She turns around, in the direction where the voice came from. It was a girl probably her senior, who was talking to the cab driver. The girl looks here and there and her eyes land on Rida. "Do you have any cash?" The girl asks as she walks towards her. Rida nods. "Can you lend me a 500 note? I have to pay the cab driver and all I have is this card." The girl says as she shows her credit card. Rida looks on. 
"Don't worry, I'll return in a few minutes after withdrawing from an ATM." she assures. Rida nods and quickly starts looking for a 500 note in her wallet. "Here you go." Rida says as she lends. "Thank you" The girl said as she quickly walked back to the cab. Rida stood there and watched her pay the cab and walk back towards her. "Umm..fresher?", she asked Rida. Rida nods. "Oh, I'm Samaira." she said as she lend her hand forward for a handshake. Rida puts her hand forward too. "I'm Rida." Rida says as they shake their hands. "Okay, Rida. Meet me at 10 near the cafe, I'll pay back your money." Rida simply smiles. Samaira smiles back and leaves. Rida finally enters the university. Her dreams were a reality now. No woman in their family saw this reality. She did. And she felt proud of herself. She inhaled the breeze of freedom. Her freedom. But was it actually her freedom?

"Hey" Inaya greets Rida, who was deeply in her thoughts.
"Again, late." Rida says annoyed.
"It was traffic this time, I swear."
"Of course." Rida replies disinterested in her excuse.
"Also, there are still five minutes for our first lecture today."
"I know. Also, tell me when it is 10."
"Let's go to the lecture hall, I'll tell you on our way." Rida replies as she picks up her bag and stands to leave.

"Did Rida leave for university?" Riaz asks Rushda.
"Yes. Been quite a while now." Riaz nods. Rushda looks into his eyes as he looks at her.
'I have enough courage to look into your eyes, baba. But not so enough that I could share all my fears, the fear of being prey to Anas, the fear of him not being proven guilty, the fear of Rida breaking the promise, the fear of being married to a man who would treat me like an object.'
"Do you want to say something?" Riaz asks. Rushda shakes her head in denial. "Do you want anything, baba?" Rushda asks as she starts leaving the room.
"No." Rushda leaves nodding.


"It's been ten minutes. I think she fooled you." Inaya says as she and Rida waited for Samaira at the university cafe.
"Why are you so impatient? It's just been hardly five minutes, and even if it has been ten minutes, we can probably wait longer. What flight do you have to catch?" Rida scolds. Inaya sighs. 
"There she is." Rida says standing up. 
"Hey." Samaira greets waving to Rida as she approaches her. Rida waves back. 
"I'm so sorry if I kept you waiting."
"It's alright. Have a seat." They sit down.
"This is my friend, Inaya." Rida introduces.
"Oh, hi." Samaira as they shake hands. Inaya looks at her confused. 
"And Inaya, this is Samaira."
"Samaira Ahmed?" Inaya asks. Samaira nods. "Saabiq Ahmed's daughter? The industrialist?" Inaya asks with an enthusiastic voice. 
"Yes." Samaira replies chuckling.
"Do you both know each other?" Rida asks.
"No, not personally. Just seen her in magazines and stuff. She is the daughter of the renowned industrialist Mr. Ahmed." Inaya replies
"Oh, I had no idea." Rida replies feeling a little embarrassed.
"It's alright." Samaira replies as she takes out a bundle of notes and hands a 500 note to Rida. "Thank you, I am not used to carrying cash around. My chauffeur was sick so I had to take a cab. My brother had already left for university and dad is out of town." Samaira reasons. "It's alright."
"So, Sheryaar also studies at this university?" Inaya asks. 
"Then the business?"
"No idea."
"Inaya, we're getting late for class." Rida interrupts as she feels left out. Inaya checks the time. "We have a few more minutes."
"Yeah, we have to find the lecture hall too. Come." Rida insists. "Fine." Inaya stands up to leave unwillingly. 
"We will meet again around the campus soon." Rida says as she stands up to leave, 
"Sure." Samaira replies as she also picks up her bag to leave.


"Is Rida home?" Saleha asks Rushda.
"Nah, she will be back by 4." Rushda replies as she dials a call on her phone.
"Who are you calling?" 
"Ask her to come home and also get Saad and her mother too."
"It's been a long time since they came so."
"Okay, I'll ask her to."
"And after hanging up the call, come help me in the kitchen. Don't get busy with that stupid gadget of yours."
"Okay. Okay. Noted." Rushda replies as her mother leaves the room.

Sadia finally receives the call. "Hello."
"Hey." Rushda replies.
"Tell me. Is it something important?" Sadia asks in a hurry.
"No. Are you busy?"
"Yeah, I'm in the middle of a university event."
"Oh okay, call me back later." Rushda hangs up the call.
Rehan enters the room. "Who were you talking to?" He interrogates.
"To your brother-in-law." Rushda replies sarcastically.
"Oh you mean, Anas bhai?"
Rushda fumes up at his mention and leaves the room while Rehan titters.

Rushda makes her way to the kitchen. "Did you talk to Sadia?" Saleha asks as soon as she enters the kitchen.
"No, she was busy."
"Good, don't invite them now. Your phuphu is coming next weekend, invite them then." Rushda panics.
"Because we have to host a feast at home, I'll ask Rida to call her friends too. Other relatives are coming too."
"I meant why is phuphu coming?" Rushda asks with a nervous voice.
"I have no idea. Your phuphu called me a few minutes ago and told me to do so." Rushda gulps in fear.
'Are my fears coming true? What is phuphu planning?'


"So, how was your first day?" Rushda asks as Rida comes out of the washroom, freshened up.
"Good one." Rida replies disinterested.
"Is everything alright?"
"How were your classes?"
"What kind of dry replies are these?" Rushda says annoyed.
"If you can't tolerate my dry replies, don't ask questions." Rida says furiously. 
"Yeah, and you aren't even worth my questions and time." Rushda replies enraged and leaves the room.


The following morning, Rushda wakes up to find Rida dress up for university.
"Ammi told me this weekend that phuphu is coming." Rida says as she combs her hair.
"Why are you worried?"
"What is there to worry about?"
"Of course." Rushda replies snarky and leaves for the washroom.
Rida follows her to the washroom and yells loud enough for her to hear in the washroom. "I don't understand this attitude of yours."
"Who asked you to?" Rushda replies opening the washroom room and then bangs it on her face.
Rohail enters the room hearing the commotion, "What are you both doing?"
"Planning to tell Baba that you were smoking." Rida replies as she picks up her bag.
"What? When?" Rohail asks in a panic voice
"All the details directly in front of baba." Rida leaves the room cackling.
Rohail paces to and fro in fear until Rushda comes out of the washroom.
"What are you doing here?" Rushda asks as she walks towards the cupboard.
"Di, ask Rida not to tell Baba about me smoking."
Rushda widens her eyes in shock. "You smoked?"
"You didn't know? Shit!" Rohail says quickly leaving the room. Rushda still in shock watches him leave.


"Rushda, we will be going shopping today." Saleha informs as they have their breakfast.
"Shopping?" Rushda asks having her morsel of food in her mouth.
"Yeah, your phuphu asked you to dress up well." Rushda frights.
"Why? Isn't it just a simple gathering? Why do I have to dress up?"
"Do as she asked. No questions." Saleha replies sternly. Rushda sighs.
"Be ready at 12." Saleha orders as she finishes her meal and stands to leave with her plate.
"12? It's really hot."
"I have other works too, Rushda." Saleha says leaving.


Inaya rests her head as Rida uses her phone. 
"How long do we have to wait for the next class?" Inaya almost whined.
"First of all, stop screaming near my ears."
"I just wanna go home."
"Get up, leave. Go!" Rida says annoyed.
"Well, are you coming to Sheryaar's pool party?"
"Who is this Sheryaar?"
"Your friend's brother."
"That senior, Samaira?"
"Oh, her. I'm not invited."
"Don't worry. The invite will be here soon. But will you come?"
"Are you going?"
"Of course. Which sane person would miss the chance of attending THE SHERYAAR AHMED'S BIRTHDAY PARTY?"
"I don't understand why is all that hype for?"
"Once you see him, you'll know."
"Huh. None of my business, Inaya." Rida replies rolling her eyes.
"Come let's go. Fifteen minutes for class. We will have food at the cafe within ten minutes and leave for class." Rida says looking at her watch.
"Yes, please. I'm really hungry." Inaya says tiredly picking up her bag.
"You are always hungry."
"Shut up."


"The red one looks better, isn't it?" Saleha says looking at the dresses.
"Ammi, whatever you like, buy."
"You girls cry always cry that I don't ask for your opinions. Now when I'm asking-"
"The opinion is whatever you like, my pyaari ammi. You shop. I'll sit here." Rushda sits on a bench near a bookshelf filled with magazines. She tries to find a good magazine to read until her eyes land on the magazine 'The Business World from the Eyes of the Young Youth'. She randomly opens a page with the headline 'The competition in the business world should be put to an end.' quoted by Sheryaar Ahmed - the son of renowned industrialist Saabiq Ahmed. Rushda begins reading the page.
We were finally in conversation with Saabiq Ahmed's only son, the heart throb Sheryaar Ahmed. Mr. Ahmed has finally answered our most-asked questions. Many questions were raised when Sheryaar enrolled himself in a medical college. Was Sheryaar not going to handle the business after his father's retirement? Was he always interested in science? Was it hard for him to take that step being a son to one of the best industrialists? and many more. And Mr. Ahmed answered it all for us. To start with, we questioned him about his goals. Mr. Ahmed confidently answered, "There isn't a particular goal. I just want to do whatever makes me happy. I try my best to not take any kind of pressure and just do what I like." Next, we asked him whether he was ever interested in business and his answer left us questioning the system of the business world. "The reason for me not being in business is the competition we have set up. The rivalry, the competitiveness. Business is for generating profit for oneself and the economic growth of the nation. These rivalries between the businesses lead to personal losses and no one even notices except the ones affected. The competition in the business world should be put to an end. Dad is in the business for years now and we did face personal losses as his family. I wanted to end this. I don't want my wife and kids in the future to go through the same we went through. Otherwise, there is no other reason for me to dislike the business world." Mr. Ahmed seems protective of his future wife and kids as one should be. Further, we asked him about his interest in science and did he receive any kind of pressure from anyone. "Other than Mathematics, Biology had been my favorite subject since school. I loved Chemistry too. After 10th I simply chose Science Stream, not sure of my future. And with time and with the flow, I enrolled in an MBBS course. And my parents have been very supportive throughout" Later, we asked him if he always wanted to pursue his degree within the country. "As a child, I always thought of doing it overseas irrespective of what I might pursue. But until the time came, I realized staying away from family for years is definitely not my cup of tea. I respect whoever is pursuing a degree abroad, but I can't stay without my family." Finally, we asked the most asked question from his female fans : Was he single? "Yes. I'm single. I'm not in any kind of relationship neither I intend to be in any soon." That's all we could ask him as he had to leave to attend the Business Event 2023. 

Rushda looks at the image at the end of the page with the caption that said 'Saabiq at the Business Event 2023 with his son and daughter.' Rushda turns the pages to find another interview to read.
"Rushda, let's look at the next store. I don't like anything here." Saleha says
"Fine" Rushda says sighing, keeping the magazine back in the rack. They leave the store and enter the next store.


"Hey, Rida." Rida heard someone say from back. She turned to find Samaira approaching her. "Hi." Rida replied.
"I'm here to invite you to my brother's birthday party."
"Oh, when's it?"
"Day after tomorrow. Monday. I'll text you the venue and time. You have to be there. I'll be waiting for you." Rida simply smiles and nods. Samaira's phone rings.
"I'll have to take this. You will be coming, right?"
"I'll try."
Samaira nods as she receives the call. She leaves speaking on the phone.

"I'm leaving. Dad's here." Inaya comes and informs Rida
"Okay but listen."
"Tell me."
"Samaira had come. She invited me to that party everyone's talking about."
"I told you, the invite had to come."
"Well, you leave. Call me after you reach."
"Yeah, bye."


Rushda and Saleha finally reach home with a dozen of shopping bags after hours, tired.
"First go ask the maid to make a cup of tea for me and then start wearing these dresses and show me how they look."
"I'm not doing any kind of fashion show now. I'm really tired." Rushda exasperatedly replies and leaves.
Rushda asks the maid to prepare a cup of tea for her mother and goes upstairs, to her bedroom.
Rushda lays down on her bed with her eyes fixed on the ceiling.
'Is that guy's sister also free to do what she likes? These media people don't ask the right questions. I'm sure she is but if her brother wasn't going to handle the business, who is going to? her? Baba would kill Rehan and Rohail if they refuse to handle our business. And if they refused, Baba would never consider me or Rida for handling the business. But the question is what kind of rivalry made him to chose not to be in the business world? What did he and his family go through? Was he just exaggerating? Well, they say never trust these celebrities. Why am I even thinking about this?' Rushda closes her eyes to get rid of her unwanted thoughts about a random interview she read. 


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