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Tom shoved his hood up. He felt annoyed. Since the rain contuined to cry out of the grey night clouds.

He kept his head down as he walked. Shoving his hands into his blue hoodie pocket.

As he walked, his hood began to get soaked. Grumbling, he used his foot and kicked a pebble.

As he walked down the street, he makes a turn. Seeing the familiar glowing of the lights at the bar.

Tom sighed, as he walked into the bar. Pushing open the door as he entered. He pulled his hood down. Seeing the obnoxious Norwegian sitting at a booth with a woman.

Suddenly Tom felt.. angry.

He felt.. jealous.

"Hahah!" Tord laughed as he sets his bottle down. Resting chin on his palm as he eyed the woman.

Tom balled his fists.

He walked over, rather quickly – as he stood in front of the table. The woman turned her head.

"What do you want?" She asked the question, hiccuping in the slightest. Her red lipstick was slightly smeared across her lips.

Some of her cherry red stick was also on Tord's jawline and cheek.

Tom narrowed his 'eyes'.  "Get out."

"Excuse me?" The woman scoffed. Tord looked visibly tipsy as he drums his fingers on the table.

"Get, out." Tom repeated, more menacingly this time. The woman felt a little uneasy. She excused herself and left to go mingle with other men across the bar.

Tom takes a seat. The communist and jehovah witness are now sitting in front of each other.

"Why'd you come out, here?" Tom asked as he looked still visibility of anger.

Tord laughed a bit. The scent of whiskey leaving his lips as he leaned back in the booth.

"Too help myself out." The Norwegian responded. Tom shakes his head, he gets up.

Yanking Tord up from the collar of the hoodie. The Norsk began to curse in Norwegian as he was tugged out rather quick.

"You DONT leave the house, unless you at least tell someone!" Tom exclaimed.

The two young adults are outside of the bar now. The muffled music can be slightly heard from the outside.

Tord scoffed. "What?! I'm not a child!"

"You sure the hell act like one!" Tom exclaimed in response. He grabbed onto Tord's wrist.

"We are going home."

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