After breakfast you clean up the dishes and place them in the dishwasher, starting the load while Mizuki gathered your bag and hers and waited for you at the foyer. Her uniform is identical to yours, though her figure fills it out a lot better in your opinion. It's difficult for you to remember that she's a few years older than you due to her childish nature. You met her at the door and slipped on your outside shoes, letting her ensure the front gate was closed before you began making your way down the sidewalk. You do your best to keep pace with her but let her lead you all the same. You linger quite literally in her shadow, out of the sunlight. She's been to the school thousands more times than you ever had. You knew she wouldn't steer you wrong.

"So..." She begins, stunning white irises clashing with your own indigos. "Are you excited about going to U.A.?"

You shrug, breaking away from her gaze and looking down the road again. "I guess." You weren't sure what to be excited about. More schooling? More training? More exhausting nights full of studying? None of that sounded appealing to you. "I'm not sure what to expect, though."

"You said you're in Class 1-A, right?" She tried to clarify. When you nodded, she smiled. "As I expected of my amazing little sister! That's the main hero class, which is great! I think Eraserhead still teaches that class, too." In your peripheral you see her fan herself with her hand. "He's fine as heeeeeell. If he was the 3-A teacher I'd ask for one-on-one tutoring to keep my grades up."

She snickers when you roll your eyes at her joke. With her you can never actually tell if she's being serious or not. She didn't have a specific type when it came to men. Not hair color, eye color, quirk, anything. You found it strange how she immediately treated everyone she knew like they had been her best friend for a long time. She waves at a man across the street and you cock an eyebrow. Did she even know him? The poor guy looks confused and slightly raises his hand as an awkward gesture.

Mizuki was a strange girl, but you loved her all the same. You wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for her anyway.

"Eraserhead, huh?" You echo her thoughtfully. You'd never met him, but you'd heard about him before.

Eraserhead wasn't a very well-known hero. He worked primarily at night and ran better in the dark. During the daytime you didn't even know he was a teacher at U.A. He was difficult to find in newspaper articles, so you guessed that he didn't like the media. You found yourself drawn to him after learning what his quirk was. Now that you knew he was going to be your teacher, all of the dots were beginning to connect. How many fights broke out at the school? How many students lost control over their quirks? Teachers? How many criminals lingered about? Would you lose control of—

You startle at Mizuki's hand waving in front of your face. "Earth to Nere~" She catches your attention in a sing-song tone before smiling brightly. "We're here!"

You had a terrible habit of losing yourself in thought and not paying attention to where you were going. If you were alone, somehow you'd arrive at your destination unharmed. Had Mizuki not been there to guide you, you probably would've gotten lost. She finally steps out of your way, blue hair waving as she did so.

Behind her is a tall, tan fence with small sections of clear glass panels at the top. Front and center was a wide, blue gate with a U cradling an A at the peak of it. Once through the gate there were trees lining the walkway and what appeared to be grassy yards on either side. Arching high over the path heading towards the front steps is one concrete that mimics the blue gate. On either side of the path are three statue heads and two, tall, red...lanterns? Counting up six statues and four lights total. The school itself is humongous, covered in windows that reflected outwards so you couldn't see in. It was four tall buildings connected halfway with two floors each. You were curious if those were pathways and how the place was set up entirely.

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