Chapter Ten

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A few months after I got back home, I'm asleep on the couch. Dean and my dad went on a case and left Sam to watch me.

Once the two get home, I wake up to all the noise. I raise myself up as I rub my eyes. "What's going on?" I ask softly as I stand up. I see that there is a man beside of Dean. He's about my height, maybe a little taller. His eyes are a piercing blue.

The man slowly walks over to me. I don't know what to do.

He looks at me curiously, looking at me up and down. "You're not human." He states. I nod, "Well, I guess." I reply. His eyes meet mine; he doesn't break the silence or eye contact. "You are a werewolf?" The stranger asks. I nod.

"Why?" He asks once again. Sam, Dean, and my dad are just watching the stranger and I interact. "A hunting accident." I explain. He nods. "What's your name?" I ask. "Right." He replies.

"I'm Castiel, an angel of the Lord." He says. The light bulb above me shatters. I cover my head, my arms getting cut by the glass. Castiel shows his wings, they're huge and black. He has to show me his wings in a shadow form.

Once his wings disappear, he looks deeply in my eyes. "I am sorry about your mother." He says softly. "It wasn't your fault." He adds. My eyes tear up, I've been needing to hear that for a long time now.

He places his hand on my shoulder. The wounds from the glass begin to glow. I start to breathe heavily as I widen my eyes, clearly scared. I watch as the fresh wounds disappear like they weren't ever there.

I look at Castiel. "What was that?" I ask. "I healed you." He replies. "Do not fear me, I am your friend." He reassures me. "Uhm... Okay." I say, looking at Dean. Dean nods at me. "Castiel is the one who brought me back." Dean explains.

I look at Cas. "Thank you." I say, walking away from him. I walk over to Dean, and I hug him tightly. "I was worried about you." I say, pulling away. "You were gone for a long time, Dean." I add.

"Love you to." My dad says, sarcastically. I roll my eyes and I look into Dean's eyes. Dean is smiling at me. I place a gentle kiss on his cheek.

Suddenly, we hear wolves howling from outside. My heart drops and I hold onto Dean tightly. "It's okay, probably just some wild animals." He speaks. I nod. "I have to go, call me if you need me." Castiel says before we hear a flap of his wings as he disappears.

I look out the window to see wolves, not animal wolves but, me wolves outside. "All of you hide. Now!" I yell. "What about you?!" Sam replies. "I'll be fine." I answer. "Get out of here before they see you!" I yell.

The three of them begin to sneak out of the back door. I hear knocking at the front door. I walk over calmly. I open it. "Yes?" I ask. "You're a traitor to the wolves. Leave the hunters or we will force you to leave them." The wolf at the door says angrily.

"You must have the wrong house, I don't know any hunters." I reply, fearlessly. The wolf grabs me. I flash my claws and fangs as I punch him across the face. The other wolves run over to me, 2 big wolves grab onto me, dragging me away. "GET OFF!" I growl. I see the boys in the bushes nearby, Dean starts to get up but my dad grabs his arm, making him stay down.

I frail as the wolves drag place duct tape over my mouth. I'm able to jump from their grip. I fall onto the ground and I quickly get up and I begin to run, yanking off the duct tape. The pack of about 15 wolves following behind me. They start to run on all fours after me, making them faster. One of them tackles me to the ground.

The wolf flips me onto my back. I try to fight her off of me. I glance to the boys who are now at a bush closer, to watch, they are scared, I can tell. My fangs and claws come out; this is the perfect moment for it. I look back at the wolf. I slam my feet onto her stomach, kicking her across the yard.

I can't help but chuckle. "Honestly, didn't think that would work." I say breathlessly. The other wolves growl at me. I stand up. "This has been fun and all but... I got to go." I say as I quickly turn around, running as fast as I can.

"YOU CAN'T FIGHT ALL OF US, Y/N!" One of the wolves growl as I run around the yard. I shrug. "Just got to get you tired!" I yell. They catch up and I start running again, how in the world am I faster than them?

After a few minutes of running, they stop, and they make a circle around me. They begin to close in on me. "WHERE ARE THE WINCHESTERS?" One of them yell. "Who?" I reply in a lie.

I try to run through two of them, they grab me and throw me to the ground, knocking me the wind out of me.

One of them places themself on top of me. The wolf starts to punch the side of my head, making my vision go blurry. I hear Sam, Dean, and my dad yell at them, I can't tell what they're saying but, I know they're trying to save me. The wolf keeps punching me. "No..." I mutter as everything goes black.

This is going to be a problem, isn't it?

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