The water from the pump sprayed into my bottle, some of it spilling onto the floor even with my carefulness to try to get it all into the bottle. Even before this I tried to save water. I've always been quite environmentally friendly besides my casual smoking. That was the only thing I did that was causing global warming or whatever. Actually, scrap that I have no idea what environmentally friendly means. I have done a lot of things which haven't been good for the earth. Huh imagine if i caused this whole thing from being a contributor to climate change.

"Hey." a voice startles me. Turning quickly, I drop my bottle on the floor and begin to grab my pocket knife. I was greeted with a girl with short hair who I was earlier informed was the farmer's daughter, Maggie. "Oh," I breathed out realising she wasn't a threat. Rick shook his finger at me with an angry expression in my mind. Don't hurt anyone or I will die. Like he would even have the guts to kill me. Shane would probably do it. And the death part doesn't scare me but what Shane was capable of before he killed me was terrifying. I didn't like his vibe at all. "Hey. Maggie, right?" I asked her before realising my water had dropped all over the floor. There goes my award for saving water.

"Sorry about startling you there. I didn't mean to." Her thick accent rings. Oh it's fine but you made me lose my guaranteed 1st place at the saving water competition. But it's fine. "It's awfully kind of you to help look for that little girl." She smiles at me and leans the bucket filled with apples towards me, "Apple?"

Why is everyone so damn nice? Or am I just a bitch. "As long as they aren't poisoned apples." I try to joke. Which seemed successful since Maggie let out a belly laugh. "I'm not the evil queen." She snorts, putting the basket on the floor. Do I trust her? Or not. She seems sweet but it could all be an act. She could be acting this way to trick me into trusting her then she could kill me.

"That's something the evil Queen would say." My eyebrows arching at her questioningly. She smiles at me and takes an apple herself. She sits on the floor, her knees coming up to her chest. Grabbing an apple myself, I take my spot next to her sitting with my legs crossed as if I was a school child. Taking a bite into the apple, I look at Maggie who is staring into the distance at Glenn. He awkwardly looks back at her and waves but she just turns her head away from him. "Daddy said you nearly broke Daryl's nose." She started. Hershel was a gossiper. He was worse than gossip girl herself. How does everyone know about me nearly breaking Daryl's nose?

"Yeah he deserved it." I snort. Oh he so deserved that. What did he expect I would do after he scared my food away? Run up to him and ask him how I could repay him. Give him a kiss, maybe a blowjob. No way. Never in a million years. I would never touch that man. He definitely holds some type of disease. Either chlamydia or rabies. "I'm proud of my skills. Totally going to add 'nose breaker; to my resume." I joke biting into the apple. Thank god it wasn't actually poisonous. I can rule Maggie out to be the evil Queen.

"I told you. I'm not the evil queen." she smiled at me, enjoying her apple. All I could think about was how good this apple tasted. It had been months since I had last eaten some fruit. Well my first time eating anything healthy in months. It wasn't easy to be nutritious during all of this. I had no idea I craved something healthy until now. I could eat about 10 more or maybe 1000 more. Or a tall glass of apple juice. Oh my god. How I missed apple juice? "You think you could make some apple juice with this?" I asked. I really craved some good old apple juice right now. Maggie's eyes lit up, "That's a great idea. Course we can." We both stood up and Maggie grabbed her basket of apples. She beckons me to come inside the farmhouse. I didn't feel quite comfortable entering the house but Maggie held the door open for me so it was rude not to accept the invitation, right? If this got me in trouble with the old farmer or Mr Cop man, then I wouldn't be happy with Maggie at all. But then again I would probably be dead so who cares.

Consumed | 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐥 𝐃𝐢𝐱𝐨𝐧Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora