Going Somewhere

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You threw on a sweater over your uniform, glancing around the beautiful, spacious room you've lived in for the last few months. Though you weren't sure what to expect today, the glow in your chest informed you with confidence that you wouldn't be returning to this space tonight. This space, where you'd first met Lucius, the space where he'd first kissed you, first fucked you into submission. Your chest was full of guilt, even more so than yesterday, but you knew there was no backing out of this now.

Last night you had informed Enzo of your plan, in the secrecy of the night, once Lucius had been long gone to his important overnight meeting. He was worried--worried about a few select holes in your plan, but after a long, tedious discussion about it, he was overall happy that you were able to get Draco to help you, to help get you far, far away from this place. The bag of guilt you've been carrying around for the last two days clung to your heart with force as you gave Enzo a hug goodbye, telling him to stay safe, and that you hoped everything would work out for him.

Lucius was still gone, and the rest of the house was seemingly quiet, as if it was mourning for what was to come. Since Draco had said he was set to leave at noon, you preformed your normal duties this morning, getting up bright and early to ensure that you didn't cause any suspicion. No one had really seen you except for Enzo and a few others, with one quick fleeting glance and a good morning from Severus.

You were nervous, but at this point, you were so fucking ready to get this over with. You couldn't handle carrying around this feeling of anxiety and dread for even a second longer, you knew at this point that you just had to get it done. Lucius's last words still bouncing around in your mind.

I'll see you tomorrow. He'd said. Part of you wished he would.

But the other, larger part of you was so fucking thankful to get a chance at a fresh start. To get a chance at getting out of here, breaking free from the chains Lucius had you in, from the spell he had you under, before Narcissa had the chance to find out about anything. Regardless of all of his words he had said to you yesterday, words such as 'you haunt me' and 'I can't get you out of my fucking head'--you knew that it was all a facade...all a fake, rehearsed routine that he'd performed on dozens of women before you.

You had to remind yourself that it was all a lie, that regardless of the fact he had said there has never and would never be another maid like you--it didn't mean anything, because he couldn't care less about you. Lucius had used you like a toy, or an instrument, something he took out of storage for his entertainment, something to be locked up again when he was done. The fact that even for an instant you'd tricked yourself into feeling special made your skin blaze with embarrassment. His tenderness, his confusion, his stupidly beautiful face--none of it mattered now, and you wanted to blast every recollection to fragments.

In the still of the home, you began your descent to the garage, quietly creeping your way through the empty halls. You took your time, admiring all the intricate details of the luxurious space as you did, wanting to engrave it into the folds of your memory, wanting to remember it all for as long as you could. Because despite everything, this place was without a doubt the most beautiful home you've worked in, and your time here was one you'll never forget.

As you finally reached the garage, you released a deep, intense breath of relief. Unable to even comprehend the fact that you've made it there unscathed. Your shaking hand reached toward the handle of the door, fingers connecting to the chilled brass metal when you heard a sound from behind you and you involuntarily flinched, stifling a gasp as your head spun on a swivel.

As you turned, eyes scanning the dark hall, you seen nothing. No signs of anyone around you. Your brows furrowed with confusion, because you could have sworn you felt a presence behind you, but you knew you couldn't waste even a second more of time. So, as quickly as possible, you turned the knob, and entered the garage, slowly easing the door shut behind you, as quietly as physically possible.

The House Maid- Lucius Malfoy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now