Carlos' 'roomate' - Carlos Reyes & TK Strand

Start from the beginning

"What's going on?" Carlos asked, placing both hands on his hips.

"We are looking at apartments, Y/N wants to move out." Harry clarified, a huge smile on his face.

"Wait what? You can't move out." Carlos said, in disbelief.

"Why? Need me to clean up your dishes?" You muttered under you breath. Carlos just sighed and left the room, heading into his and TKs bedroom. He slammed the door behind him and you and Harry looked at each other before letting small chuckles.

~a few hours later~

You and Harry were both drunk, Harry a lot more drunk then you were, giggling and looking up at the stars outside while a speaker blared music near you two. TK had arrived home an hour ago and him and Carlos hadn't left their bedroom since.

"Maybe they are in love with you." Harry slurred after a few minutes of silence.

"What?" You said, turning your head to look at him.

"You said that they walk around in barely any clothes and focus your lips when your talking. Maybe they are in love." Harry said, in a teasing and sing song tone.

You let out a loud laugh, not believing what he just said. Like TK and Carlos where in love with you. Your hand found your side, holding it for more support as you continued to laugh.

"It's not funny, Y/N. I'm being serious." Harry slurred again, chuckling a bit as well.

"Mhm." You nodded your head, still laughing.

"Should we try it out?" Harry teases, propping himself on his elbows.

"How?" You said through chuckles, looking up at him now.

"Come on." Harry grabbed your hand, pulling you up to your feet and grabbing the speaker. He stumbled into the house, you trailing behind.

He played another song, 'Swim by Chase Atlantic.' He smirked as he grabbed your waist and pulled you into him.

"Play along." He whispered in your ear, before grabbing your thighs and placing you on the counter and standing in between your thighs.

"Moan his name." He whispered again before moving his lips to kiss your neck.

"Fuck Carlos." You moaned, loud enough that Carlos and TK opened their bedroom door to see that Harry was stood in between your legs, gripping your hips with your arms wrapped around his neck.

"What did you say?" Harry slurred, standing up straight. He was acting, he wasn't a very good actor but it convinced Carlos and TK.

I really hope he's right.

You prayed, over and over that Harry was right about Tk and Carlos liking you.

"I don't know what you mean." You chuckled, trying to keep your eyes off of TKs and Carlos' smug smiles.

"Well last time I checked my name wasn't Carlos." Harry said, stepping further away from you.

"Well maybe you aren't what I want." You said, slurring your words slightly and jumping off the counter.

"I think you mean who, I'm not who you want." Harry said, his face filled with smugness.

"Well maybe you aren't who I want." You said, crossing your arms and trying to stand on two feet without falling over.

"Who do you want then? Tell me." Harry said but it was more of a command.

"You know who. I already told you." You slurred, the acting wasn't doing well because you couldn't stop laughing and Harry was letting out small chuckles.

"Who? Tk and Carlos?" Harry said, dropping the bomb. Out of the corner of your eye you could see Tk and Carlos slowly approaching. They looked hopeful and had smirks on their faces.

You fell silent, nodding your head. Not acting anymore. Your cheeks flushed bright red and your eyes averted to Carlos and Tk, their faces filled with lust and excitement. You looked down at the ground, extremely embarrassed at this whole situation. The alcohol was wearing off and you could finally come down from all the drunkness.

"I'm going, good luck now that you've admitted it Y/N." Harry teased before stumbling out of the house, leaving you, Tk and Carlos alone in the kitchen/living room.

"Oh sweet boy, why didn't you just tell us?" Tk soothed as he walked over, under his soothing there was a tone of teasing and lust.

"Because you two were so happy with each other." You said, your words were still slightly slurred but they were much clearer now that some of the alcohol had worn off.

"We wanted you." Carlos finally spoke up, coming over and standing behind you, placing his hands on your hips. Tk was now in front of you, placing his hands on your face, stroking your cheek slightly.

"What?" You asked, finally looking up at Tk with a confused expression.

"We both like you, idiota." Carlos whispered the last bit in your ear, gripping your hips tighter.

Carlos' lips slowly moved from your ear to your neck, just grazing it without placing actual kisses. His lips slowly reached your sweet spot and a sharp inhale of air was heard, his lips kissed that spot over and over making you more hard then you needed to be.

"Oh look, he likes that." Tk cooed to Carlos, you bit down on your lower lip and a small whine escaped you. Carlos chuckled against your neck, his hands slowly coming forwards to graze over your lower stomach. You legs started to wobble, not only from the alcohol but from the soft fingertips of Carlos.

"Are you too drunk to do this preciosa?" Carlos whispered, his fingers reaching the waistband of your pants. You shook your head enthusiastically, TK letting out a small chuckle.

"Do you want to do this?" Tk cooed again, placing his hand on your cheek. You nodded your head, blushing deeply at how needy you thought you looked.

TK chuckled at your neediness, Carlos slipping his hands further down the top of your thighs, teasing you even further, when all of a sudden you felt a lump in your throat, your mouth coated in saliva.

You rush out of Carlos' grip, heading straight for the bathroom while gagging and holding a hand to your mouth. TK rushes in soon after you, worry etched into his face.

You hunched over the toilet, throwing up all the alcohol and food from the past few hours. 

"Maybe we shouldn't." Carlos whispers to TK who was rubbing your back as you threw up.

"We aren't, he can sleep with us for tonight, god knows he's gonna have an awful hangover tomorrow." TK replies as you stop throwing up, tears in your eyes.

"Fuck, I'm sorry. I ruined it." You said, a headache already happening.

"You haven't ruined anything amor." Carlos says, sitting next to you on the bathroom floor.

"You are sleeping with us tonight." TK says, holding out his hand for you to take.

"No, I'm fine in my own bed." You groan, taking his hand and standing up.

"We aren't taking no for an answer." Carlos continues, him and TK dragging you to their bedroom.

They settle you on the comfy bed, Carlos laying on your right and TK laying on your left, TK had put you in the recovery position just in case you threw up in your sleep and Tommy was on speed dial.

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