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Caroline's P.O.V:

I told Stefan to put Lexi in her cot and to come back downstairs. I still couldn't believe my friends would keep this from me. "What's going on Caroline? Are you okay? I was so worried."

"He didn't hurt me. Just needed something and in return he gave me this information, the information concerning our daughter. Damon, Elena and Bonnie kept it from us."

"C'mere." I fell into Stefan's arms and cried into his chest. "It'll be okay, whatever it is."

"Stefan, she has to be turned into a vampire."

"What!" Stefan let go of my body, pushed me back and out his hands on his hips. "She is not becoming a vampire."

"She has too. On her sixth birthday. Or she'll die slowly and on her seventh birthday we won't have Lexi with us anymore. I don't want that Stefan."

"Why are they going to keep that from us!"

"I don't know, but there has to be a way. Cause I want her to live a normal life and when she's ready she can decide."

"We'll make sure she gets the life she deserves."

2 weeks later:

Stefan's P.O.V:

Me and Caroline have been searching for witches to help us. We can't do what Klaus wants at this moment so we have to find another way. "Elena text me, Cara. She says Bonnie has a way of helping."

"Let's talk to them later. I've got a lead."

Later that day we were spending time with Lexi. "I can't believe Lexi is going to be 1 soon."

"I know, my princess is getting big." I replied. Lexi smiled "mama."

"Baby!" I stood her up and she bounced up and down in my arms. "You want to walk Lexi?" I turned her to face Caroline and let go of her, she wobbled before falling onto her bum. She never cried, but managed to stand up, assisted by my knees. "Try again." She took a step, wobbling like mad, I steadied her and helped her take another step. Before we knew it Lexi, with my help was taking steps across the room.

"We'll try again tomorrow baby, it time to go bed now." I kissed her forehead and took her upstairs.

"Let's call that witch. Here's her number." Caroline said as I returned to the living room.

"Yeah okay."

"I'll call the witch, or do you want to?"

"I'll do it." I offered. I took the phone and dialled the number. It rang and was picked up on the second ring. "Hello?"

"If you're a vampire, I refuse to help you. All you do is cause trouble." The woman hung up.

"Nope." I told Caroline. I watched as Caroline's eyes began to tear up. "It's okay, baby, I promise. We'll find someone to help her." Caroline nodded and I hugged her for comfort. I actually felt like crying also. "Why not we speak to Bonnie, she'll have a way and she'll help us."

"Yes, do it. I want Lexi to live a normal life. Do it."

Bonnie's P.O.V:

I went over to Caroline's and Stefan's place the next day. I was glad they let me help. I never wanted to hurt them. "Where is Lexi?"

"I'll go get her." Caroline said and left the room to retrieve her daughter.

5 minutes later Caroline returned with Lexi in her arms.

"Lay her on the sofa." I said while mentally preparing the spell.

"There. How long will it be?" Stefan asked.

"Depends on how strong she is." I replied with the truth. I walked over to baby Lexi and closed my eyes. I spoke the spell, ensuring it was right. I was half way through the spell when the screaming started. I opened my eyes and saw Lexi. She was screaming, red in the face. She looked like she was getting hurt. I continued with the spell.

"Bonnie stop!" Caroline cried as her daughter screamed in pain. "Bonnie!" I continued only because I couldn't stop. I was nearly done.

"Bonnie stop it!" I felt hands upon my shoulder and I was pushed to the ground with immense force. I opened my eyes. The crying had stopped and Caroline stood over me.

"Get out."

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