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Caroline's P.O.V

I was still in the hospital a couple of days later, they had to make sure Lexi was fine and that I was fine, which I was and so was Lexi. I hope. She was born a couple of months early, but she seemed healthy and that made me and Stefan happy.

Today we were able to go home, we'd been given the all clear, Stefan held the car seat with our beautiful daughter in and we walked to the car. "She's sleeping, she's a good girl." I spoke, Stefan nodded.

"Let's hope she stays like this, babies have a tendency to cry and make noise a lot." I chuckled and agreed.

"That's because they can't talk."

"Still." We got in the car, I sat at the back next to the car seat so I could keep an eye on Lexi. "Everyone is waiting at my house, we'll go there first."

"Sure," I turned to Lexi who had now awaken, "hear that Lexi, we are going to meet everyone!" I let my tiny fingers grip around my finger and I smiled. "Stefan she has your eyes, they're green."

"Bless, I hope she's a daddy's girl."

"No, she's going to be my little princess forever."

"Nope, watch, I bet I'll be the more loved parent." I laughed and so did Stefan.

We got to the Salvatore's house and I unbuckled the car seat, holding it tightly we walked up to the door and Stefan opened it. "Hey guys, look who we have." I saw everyone's faces, all with huge smiles plastered to them.

"Hey." I called, I sat on the sofa and put Lexi beside me. "This," I started when everyone quietened down, "this is Lexi Elizabeth Salvatore, the newest member to our family." There were a lot of 'aw-ing' and I couldn't help but smile.

"Can I hold her?" I heard Damon say, I nodded and moved over so he could sit down. I gave Lexi over to Damon and fell in love with the two, he seemed good with her, she never cried nor did she seem afraid.

"Damon, Elena?" I asked. This was the moment of truth, me and Stefan decided this when I was in hospital, and now we just needed to ask. "So, me and Stefan have been thinking, and well now it's completely up to you. We want you to be god parents." Damon and Elena shared expressions, shock I believe.

"Caroline? Are you sure?" Elena asked.

"Yes, this spell was meant for you and well it happened to me and Stefan instead, we want you to get your wish too."

Elena looked at Damon. There was a silence for a moment. "Yes, we'll be the god parents." Damon concluded, I hugged Elena, then Damon and took back Lexi who was now asleep.


Authors note:

Sorry that this chapter is really short, I'll try put up a long one next :)

Love NR xxx

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