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Caroline's P.O.V:

"What do you want Klaus?"

Klaus smirked, a familiar smirk, I rolled my eyes. "Klaus!"

"Love, I need to talk to you. It's about Lexi." Our eyes were again locked into place. "It's about helping her get through her little dilemma in a few years to come."

"What are you talking about?" Klaus's eyes widened.

"You don't know, they haven't told you have they."

"Haven't told me what?" I walked up to Klaus and looked him in the eye. "Tell me."

"Remember last time we were in the woods together." His smirk returned.

"Yes I do, we had sex and just so you know, it's never happening again! Now tell me."

"Do your research, love." I rolled my eyes and turned away and as I did I felt hands around my neck and then everything went black.

Stefan's P.O.V:

I tried calling Caroline's phone numerous times, she never picked up. I called Bonnie.

"Hey, Bonnie. I need your help, Caroline's missing and I need you to do a locators spell to find her."

"Yeah, okay, I'll be right over, see you soon."


I waited impatiently. Lexi cried as she missed her mother, I was on the edge of bursting into tears, if anything happens to Caroline, I won't forgive myself. "Lexi, mummy is coming sweetie pie."

"Hello, Damon?"

"Hey, what's up little brother?"

"Caroline's missing and I need you to look after Lexi while I go look and tell Bonnie to call me the second she locates her. Okay?"

"Sure, I'll be around there soon."

"Now, Damon!"

"Okay Stefan, I'm on my way."

Caroline's P.O.V:

I awoke on a bed. The son of a... Klaus, is really going to pay for this. "Klaus!" I called. I wasn't chained up or locked up, the door to the room was wide open, the windows had no bars and I didn't see anyone around or at the door. I stood up and walked through the room, trying to work out where I was. "Klaus!"

"Yes, love?"

"Where am I?"

"You're in my place, just near Whitmore. Not far." I nodded and walked over to him, now desperate.

"Please Klaus, please tell me what's wrong with Lexi."

"I'll make you a deal, come with me." I followed Klaus into another room, this one an office. "Please sit down Caroline."

Damon's P.O.V:

Lexi stopped crying and me and Elena was preparing her dinner. "Where could Caroline be?" Elena asked me, I shrugged and gave Lexi her plate of spaghetti hoops.

"Ma- am- ma- ma- mamma." Lexi squealed, I smiled and so did Elena, "look how big she is. To think she could've been ours."

"I know Elena. It'll be okay, because we're so close to Stefan and Caroline, plus were Lexi's god parents. It's like she in a way does belong to us."

"I guess so Damon."

At that moment, Bonnie came through the door. "Where's Stefan? I can't locate Caroline. Someone must have a spell blocking her ability to be located."

"I'll call Stefan, he's out looking."

"Stefan, Bonnie can't locate Cara. Come back and we'll figure something out okay." Stefan didn't reply, but I knew he was on his way back. He'd do anything for Caroline. Half an hour later and Stefan came through the door, he went straight for Lexi. He picked her up and ran upstairs. I decided to talk to him.

"Hey Stefan? You okay?"

"What happened to her? She was definitely at her mum's grave, the flowers and her phone were there, I called her at the cemetery and she said she had to sort something out."

"It's okay, we'll find her. Lemme give Lexi to Sarah. We'll go looking with Bonnie and Elena." Stefan nodded and stood up.

Caroline's P.O.V:

I sat on the seat crying my eyes out. "How could they not tell me. Why? Klaus? Why?"

"If I knew I'd tell you." I threw my head in my hands and cried. "It's okay Caroline, let's sort out this deal and I'll take you home. How's that?" I nodded and sat up.

"What's the deal?"

"I will help Lexi, now you know her fate, if you get me the spell book Bonnie used on you and Stefan. How's about that? Caroline?"

"I'll try my best, the spell wasn't meant for me though."


"Why do you want it, you have a family. You have Hayley and Hope."

"That's a matter to discuss another time, let's get you home."

An hour later I was standing outside my door. I was hesitant to knock and I couldn't call Stefan, I didn't have my phone. I knocked after a moment of contemplating.

"Caroline!" Elena screamed, she wrapped her arms around me. I pushed away and walked through the door. "Cara? What's wrong?"

"What's wrong! What's wrong? I'll tell you what's wrong Elena as you're going to pretend you don't know," by this time Damon, Stefan (who was holding Lexi), Bonnie and Sarah had also gathered into the hallway, "you've kept something this big from me. Something about my own daughter. You all have. And I can't believe you all knew and didn't bother to tell me. I thought we were friends? Family? We're not supposed to keep things from each other, we all agreed in that. How is this something I shouldn't know about!" I turned to Bonnie.

"Bonnie, how long have you known? This was all you wasn't it, you found out and told the others." I turned to Damon and Elena. "You two came to tell me and Stefan. But she stopped you. And to think all this time you watched me give my life over to Lexi, to making sure she gets the best start in life. You knew it wasn't going to last long. I want you all to leave."


"Now!" I screamed. I looked up at Stefan who was crying. I wiped my tears and walked up to him.

"Wait." He said. "What's this all about?"

"Damon, we need to explain to him." Elena suggested, I shook my head.

"Get-" I began before being cut off by Elena.

"No Cara, not until you tell us who told you and where you've been all day."

"Klaus. I've been with Klaus. He took me from the woods and told me everything. Because you guys didn't. Now leave."

They left and soon it was just me, Stefan and a sleeping Lexi.

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