11. The Yule Ball (pt. 1)

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Ron receiving the ghastly assemble of robes was the first sign of Yule Ball.

It was something that I should be looking forward to, as Professor McGonagall hinted earlier this week. But how could I possibly be excited for something I haven't gotten a clue of?

During Flitwick's class, I discreetly asked Hermione what it meant, not wanting to put her in trouble, but she didn't have much of a clue either. I asked Harry, but he had the same problem as Hermione, he didn't know.

I didn't ask further when Professor McGonagall urged all Gryffindors to congregate in a room. It was the transfiguration room, if I've got my rooms correct.

As the Gryffindor boys sat in front of the Gryffindor girls in a sort of divide, I looked at Hermione with a raised eyebrow.

"What'd you reckon we're here for?" I asked, playing with her fingers.

"For once and again, I don't know," Hermione responded.

The green-clad witch soon comes out from her room, waltzing her way in the middle while Mr. Filch diddled with the musical doohickey called a phonograph. The crowd murmurs on about what was happening.

"Silence, Gryffindors!" The transfiguration professor demanded. "As you know, the Yule Ball has been tradition to the Triwizard Tournament..."

The girls shifted round whispering.

Hermione had a smile plastered on her face, and it was the first time I saw her excited about something other than high marks. It was until Hermione told me how we'd be living in history experiencing Yule Ball that it was then academically linked into her interests.

"On Christmas eve night, we and our guests gather in the great hall for its frivolity. As the  representatives of the host school, I expect each and every one of you on your best foot forward," the older witch paused, looking at the girls who giggled about something. Probably just the boys they'd pick.

"And I mean this literally, as Yule Ball is first and foremost..."

Hermione and I looked, anticipating what the Yule Ball was. As the witch spoke, our faces filled of excitement.

"A dance!"

The whispering became louder toward each side. Some were groaning and some were completely excited, though it was obvious who had which anticipation. The girls whispered to each other who'd ask who to go with. I heard Ginny wanted to go with Neville, and Eloise wanted to try and ask Ron out but felt nervous.

"Silence," the witch demanded yet again.

"The house of Godrick Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizarding world for nearly ten centuries," Professor McGonagall informed in a formal yet strict manner. "I will not have you in the course of a single evening besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons!"

The twins from the other side of the room chuckled at what Professor McGonagall's accidental tongue twister, challenging themselves to say the latter's alliteration.

"Now to dance is to let the body breathe, inside every girl a secret swan slumbers longing to burst forth and take flight." The professor swayed.

The boys on the other side murmured and snickered at their small joke, Ron obscurely yet obviously pointing at Eloise. I frowned looking at the girl, she had high hopes asking him.

Stigmata | H.P.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora