8. The Boy Who Lived

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News of the task spread like wildfire before I could even tell Harry and the rest, but I had an advantage they didn't know: a vast knowledge of dragons.

After my task, I stuffed my face into those library books and tried to research and learn about all of the dragons. With the help of Charlie, I've discovered the breeds of the other four.

With four days actually kicking in, I had one day for each champion. I started with Harry knowing he had a disadvantage in a way that the others were older and knew more spells. We've both had an agreement to meet each other at the courtyard on my very first day as an aide.

As I arrived to the courtyard, I saw Harry sit down at the fountain's edge waiting for me. I walked up to him and sat next to him with the books that I've got.

"As I've promised." I smiled.

"Thank you for putting me first," Harry tells me.

"You're my friend, this is least I can do" I replied. I quickly opened my book to a page that talked about the Hungarian Horntail. I thought it was the best one to start since it was the vicious one of them all.

I told Harry about the Hungarian Horntail, native to Hungary, and was distinct by its black scales and spiked tail. I told Harry to take caution of its fire, as it reaches extremely high temperatures and its reach is at least about fifty feet. Enough to have killed him on the spot.

"These Hungarian Horntails are very protective of their eggs, so they might see you as a threat once they understand your motives," I told Harry, pointing at the moving picture in the book where it breathed its vicious fire.

"You'd probably be in an advantage when you're up at the sky. The winds would miscalculate its projectiles and it'd have to slow down a little to conjure flames."

"I can't use my broom. How should I approach it then?" He asks, strategizing what he could do in the task. If he was poorly unequipped, he'd be dead inside that dragon's belly.

"They never said you can't use your wand," I suggest, but not giving him the full answer.

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