9. The Room of Requirement

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I've went to the common room like Ron had suggested earlier, wanting to know what Hermione wants from me. Unable to find her, I supposed I'll just find her later on.

Once I've reached back to my bed, a flurry of thoughts surged. If it wasn't enough that I was thinking of my family's mysteries, Ron added onto my problems.

I quickly opened the letter from earlier and threw the envelope away to keep my mind off of Ron's behavior. It had read:

Dearest (Y/N),

Did you like the broom? We're still picking up some small tweaks here and there, so I hope you excuse the flaws. Well, I'm happy you've assimilated yourself in Hogwarts, your mum and I couldn't've asked for anything else. Also, a Gryffindor? I should feel a little disappointed, I've now lost a bet with your mum.

I'm glad to have also heard you have new friends. Ron, Harry, and Hermione isn't it? Look at you go—and your mother was worried you wouldn't make friends. Your mum and I saw your headline in the Daily Prophet like you said, mum frantically clipped the picture right off of the news. She got quite the scare because it was the Triwizard Tournament, but was really proud nonetheless.

I should tell you more how your mum's fairing, but I know you're much more anxious to understand what might be happening to you. Unfortunately, the contents of this letter might get intercepted and I can't risk it. I know Yippy is trusted, but in the off chance that she was seized, I wouldn't know what to do. I need to be careful.

Fortunately, I will be coming to Hogwarts. I was invited by Professor Dumbledore, I think he has the same concern as I am. By then, please hold on and do not get in trouble. If Moody knows, it is most likely that dangerous people know too. Don't go snooping around fishing for more details.

Stay out of trouble, I mean it,

Felix Cadaverous Langley

P.S. when I visit, introduce your friends to me. I've got a present ready.

I was quite disappointed how he hasn't really said anything that would actually help me, but I understood why. Me discovering my ability as a Parselmouth already shocked my friends and was just the surface, I don't know what else father would tell me that was too important for a letter to handle.

I set my mind at ease when I slipped into my favorite nightgown. I've sensed Hermione come to our room with the constant mumbling about Ron and Harry's problem and it halts as she plops on her bed with lumos on.

So she's in the middle of it too, huh?

Before I could close my eyes to sleep, I heard tapping on our window. Hermione too jumped off of her bed, annoyed and afraid.

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