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Friday came fast for Drucella. She and Colter spoke again when he showed up at her front door with a box of chocolate milk and puppy dog eyes.

As much as she didn't want to give in, she did. Colter would go to the party for a while but planned to meet Drucella at midnight at Davis Corner. They could do their blanket date a little later than Drucella had planned. Compromise was something Drucella could do.

Drucella was working on trigonometry when Colter walked in. "Hey, I just wanted to let you know I am headed to the party. Text me if you need me." He ran over and pulled her in for a quick kiss. "See you at midnight."

Even though it was hot outside, he wore his usual attire, a tee with jeans and his letterman jacket. It was a permanent staple on the football team. Drucella shook her head at the thought, jocks.

"Is Presley going with you?" She asked as he grabbed a Gatorade out of the cooler.

He opened it up and chugged it down in a few seconds flat. "Of course."

Drucella let out a breath of relief. Presley was a menace, but she was glad he was going. She knew he would watch over Colter tonight. Drucella didn't think Colter would drink or go overboard. She could never picture Colter being wild. On the other hand, Presley would probably do a keg stand with one arm.

"Don't have too much fun." She grabbed the couple of dollars he sat on the counter for his Gatorade.

He winked. "You know I won't without you." 

She rolled her eyes, but her lips quirked in a small smile. Colter was always charming. He never failed to put a smile on Drucella's face. She didn't know if he knew just how adorable he was.

He turned around to leave but quickly returned to the counter to lay down a few more dollars. "Buy yourself something on me."

He ran out the door with a skip in his step. She had no idea why he left her money when he knew this was her store. That was probably another attempt to suck up even further for postponing their date night. She stuck the money in the tip jar to divide between the employees.

Louisa worked the morning shift today. Drucella's houseshoes flopped on the dingy gray tile. When the store wasn't busy, she refused to wear shoes that hurt her feet. Drucella moved the sign to close before twisting the two deadbolts. The locks clicked into place. Drucella gave the door an excellent tug to make sure it was secure. She turned off the fluorescent lighting. Only the 3-door display refrigerator light lit up the trim area.

A small hallway was to the right of the counter, leading to the side of the store. Her mom and dad had the area added when her sisters came along. This room was once filled with toys and playpens. The small space was now a living area with a futon, small kitchen, and bathroom to the side. A tiny box-style TV sat in the corner of the room, facing the grey futon where clothes lay atop.

Drucella brought her date night outfit with her. She wanted something cute but not fancy. Drucella thought that she probably had one lovely dress to her name. She decided for tonight, she would adorn black jeans with rips up the calf. A simple white ribbed crop top lay beside the jeans. Her Doc Martins were neatly sitting on the floor beside the door.

Drucella put her hands on her hips and looked at the outfit. She nodded her head in approval. She strolled to the small counter to fill up the coffee pot. Sometimes she felt like a typical girl needing coffee to survive. 

Colter and Drucella never took it past the groping stage, but tonight could be different. Drucella knew it would always be Colter she would go all the way with. Just as Colter always knew it deep down too. Her stomach flipped at the thought. 

She wondered if he remembered this was their half-anniversary. Drucella knew he probably did but was waiting to mention it until tonight. She was giddy with anticipation to relive the night she felt her heart thrum out of her chest.

She may even wear mascara for the occasion. She loathed makeup. It always felt cakey on her skin. Her mascara would always end up on her face when she rubbed her eyes, often from the dry air. Drucella wrinkled her nose up, remembering these moments. Lipstick would have to do.


Drucella looked at the clock hanging on the wood paneling wall. It was one in the morning. She has been sitting in the same spot on the futon for one solid hour and a half. This was not like Colter. Panic started to rise inside her. Had something terrible happened to him? With this thought, she jumped up and grabbed her coat. She wasted no time in heading out the back door.

She peddled as fast as she could to Rogan's. The ride took her longer than she had hoped. Once she arrived in front of the house, she dropped her bike into the perfectly cut lawn.

The inside was a dramatic difference from the front. Cups and trash were lying everywhere. Photos on the walls were crooked, and a broken lamp was scattered behind the curtains. With the chaos, Drucella was glad she didn't come. How could people let themselves get so out of control?

She scanned the crowd. Many were already passed out in spots she knew they would regret the following day with their backs and necks in the most awkward position. Some were sitting in corners with bloodshot eyes eating family-size bagged chips. None of these people were Colter or Presley.

Rogan was passed out in a girl's lap. Drucella didn't stay long enough to examine who the girl was. She figured it was one of Rogan's favorite cheerleaders, though.

Drucella went down the hall and stopped at the first shut door. She wiggled the doorknob. The door didn't budge. She knocked. "Is anyone in there?"

She heard footsteps on the other side of the door before it opened. Presley stood soberly with a book in hand. He looked her up and down before lingering on her bare stomach. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

She suddenly felt self-conscience. "I could ask you the same. In the library by yourself with only a book and a coke?" Her head tilted quizzically.

"Where is Colter?" Drucella's panic grew even further. Formi a knot in her chest.

Presley shrugged. "I was waiting on him to tell me he was ready to leave." Presley took his phone out of his pocket. He swiped his thumb across the screen. The light illuminated his face pale face. "Crap. I didn't know it was this late."

Presley grabbed the back of his neck before moving past Drucella. She followed Presley while he searched the rooms for Colter. He opened the first few doors, followed by a frustrated sigh when Colter wasn't in any of them.

He stopped at a door that was adorned with Stinger's logo. This had to be Rogan's room. Presley opened the door without knocking. Drucella couldn't see into the room but saw Presley step back. Before Presley could stop Drucella, she moved in front of him.

Her eyes blinked rapidly before her hand came to cover her mouth. What she saw before her was a nightmare she never knew she had.


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