Chapter 3

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Sebastian's POV

This was a bad idea. This is the worst idea I have ever make in my entire life, and it was all Leo's fault.

Turning to face the full length of windows, I tried to forget everything about her. Her curly hair that I want to run my fingers through more than anything. Her deep brown eyes I almost get lost in her every time she speaks.

And fuck. Those heart-shaped lips. The same lips I had dreamed of my cock filling for the last 6 months. Not to mention the outfit she was wearing today. The white shirt that seemed one button away from spilling her glorious breasts, the ridiculous skirt that I had watched curve around her ass as she walked into the meeting room.

If I had to piss off the marketing team, by calling a trivial in-person meeting over an idiotic proposal on a Sunday afternoon just to see her I would do it 10 times over.

Fuck I was hard just thinking about her. Granted I had been hard since the moment I had felt her smooth, small hand in mine after the handshake I offered her. Then I grew harder as I watched her walk out in that tight-ass fucking skirt.

This was a dumb idea. I couldn't do this. I couldn't have frequent meetings with her, alone, in my office. I barely stayed focused in the weekly meeting with the marketing team. Where she sat 6 chairs down from me on the left. Always.

This was going to be torture. I wouldn't make it. That much was certain. I should have found another person to help my brother out with his new venture. Maybe that redhead. Sadie? Sandra? Sara? Whatever her name was, her work was adequate enough.

God Sebastian, it's only for 2 months maximum. Then I can go back to trying to pretend she didn't exist.

Finally convincing myself that I could survive the coming months, that I could be my cold self that everyone knew me for, and ignore the temptress that would be invading my peace. I set out to call my brother and on the third ring, he eventually picked up.

"Yo, yo, yo what's good Seb," I hear Leo shout. There is loud music in the background and it sounds like Leo is shuffling around in order to get to a quieter space. It's not working.

"Leo, where are you?" I ask already guessing the answer.

"My friend Tyler just opened a strip club downtown, Man you have got to come see this. It is actually insane," Leo yells over the music. "There's this gorgeous brunette taking her top off that you would love." Rubbing my head I try to understand how I went from having a conversation with the prettiest and smartest woman in my building to listening to this dumb fuck.

"You do realize it's 2:00 pm on a Sunday and you're at a strip club, right?"

"Bro I'm just having a little fun, chill out," Leo replies though I can barely hear him.

"I just called to let you know that I talked to Ms. Carter, the marketer I told you about, and she agreed to take on your project." Which I was now regretting. Not because I didn't think Danielle was capable of the work, I didn't choose her just because of her looks, but because I couldn't see my brother keeping his dick in his pants for more than 1 minute and actually pulling through on this casino and hotel crap.

His last idea, creating his own tequila brand, crashed and burned as soon as he realized that he would have to find his own manufacturing company who can actually make the tequila instead of it appearing out of thin air. But he had said he had changed, and he really wanted to do this, and I wanted with all my might what he was saying was true.

"Perfect man, you know I'll actually talk to you later, Tyler says he needs to introduce me to a friend of his." The way he says 'a friend' in a melodic tone lets me know it's probably going to be another blonde for him to fuck and dump like the rest.

Before I can say anything else Leo abruptly ends the call. The bastard still hasn't sent me the information I asked for about his plan for the company. Grandpa would be rolling around in his grave if he could see Leo now.

As I reached to hit the button on the side of my desk to ask Sabrina to bring me a cup of coffee and I realized I had told my assistant she didn't need to come in today. It was a Sunday after all.

After responding to some important emails about the new cruise I had opening, hotels that weren't doing as well as they should, and resorts dealing with their own sets of problems, I finally remembered the reason I had called the meeting this afternoon in the first place.

Mr. Jackson. That fucker already got enough warnings, which I kept giving because he's the son of one of my closest business partners, but enough is enough. Even though Danielle didn't rat him out, I knew it was his work. It is consistently unfinished and a mess, but the work he submitted for the cruise line was a new low. As soon as he steps through those doors tomorrow morning he is getting fired on the spot. Maybe I would even let Danielle tell him. As revenge.

Cracking my neck to take a break from staring at my computer screen I looked to the windows to see the sun setting realizing I had been in this office for hours. Finally getting up and packing up my stuff I leave in order to get ready for my date.

Not a date with the girl I want. But someone who I should want. I just needed a good fuck to take my mind off her.

God it was going to be a long night. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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