Chapter 2

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Danielle's POV

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. God hates me. I did something in a past life and this is my punishment. This is the end. These thoughts crowded my mind as Mr. Everett strolled out of the meeting room. My co-workers slinking out with empathetic faces, knowing that there was no doubt I would be fired within the hour.

I swear to God as soon as I get out of Mr. Everett's office I am finding the nearest bridge and pushing Brandon off of it. As Samantha gets out to leave, she squeezes my hand to give me an extra dose of comfort.

It doesn't work.

Once the room is empty I let out a deep breath. I am going to get fired, there is no doubt about it. All because Brandon can't take stupid accountability for his stupid actions. My 5 years of working here have gone completely to waste, and even if Mr. Everett doesn't fire me the raise I was going to get, is out the window. Instead of going home and watching someone get murdered in the middle of the night, I was going to be freshening up my resume and updating my LinkedIn.

Pushing myself out of my chair, I stood and began walking to Mr. Everett's office, I might as well get this done and over with. His office was at the end of the hallway, directly opposite the meeting room. While walking to the office I should have been able to see him, but the psycho had reflective glass doors and windows into his office. Meaning he could probably see me, but I could only see my reflection. As I said, the man is a psycho. He probably got those doors installed because he had to hide the fact that he needed to have his batteries changed every 5 hours like the robot he is.

As the doors come closer and closer a new wave of calm comes over me. I have become vital to this company and if he fires me that is his own loss. I am not a narcissist but I am confident, I am better than half the people on the marketing staff. My parents gave everything for me to get here and I did it. I'll be damned if Brandon is going to ruin my life.

Opening the doors to his office I walk in, his large frame is covered by the chair swung to face the opposite direction of the door. The office itself was depressing. Almost completely black, besides the wall of windows to the left, and devoid of any personality. Once I sit down in the chair opposite his large mahogany desk Mr. Everett slowly turns the chair to face me.

Dramatic much.

"Listen I understand that Brandon said it was my proposal, but that wasn't-" I begin to say because although I am prepared to be fired I am not going down without a fight.

"I know."

"I can even show-" I begin. "Wait what do you mean you know?" I ask shocked.

"I mean that I have seen your work before and it's 10 times better than whatever idiot made the proposal I showed in the meeting room," he replied in that same even voice that had me questioning if he was a human or a robot. Wait did Sebastian Everett, the cold rock of a man, compliment me?

"I-I-I um thank you so much for the compliment. I try really hard on every-"

"This is why I don't compliment people," I heard Mr. Everett murmur to himself. Well, never mind then. Here I thought that Mr. Everett was a robot at least trying to learn how to be nice to people, but I guess technology hasn't gotten that far.

"Was it Mr. Jackson's proposal?" Mr. Everett guesses. I hesitate.

Here's the thing I could easily snitch on Brandon. I mean the man 100% deserves it for throwing me under the bus and potentially getting me fired considering how shitty that proposal was. Knowing Brandon he probably completed it after going out for drinks at 3 am because apparently, that's when his 'best ideas come through.' How he even got hired is beyond a miracle.

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