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The Resurrection of The Snap

Alara's footsteps gradually slowed down, a knowing feeling in her gut informing her that her mother, the now-Queen of Themyscira, had been silently following her since she began packing her bags. It was as if the connection between a mother and daughter transcended distance and boundaries.

Deep down, Alara sensed that she needed to return to the world of man, but she couldn't quite pinpoint the exact reason. Nevertheless, she knew she had to go back. She turned around, facing her mother, and could already discern the expression on Diana's face. There was a mixture of understanding, concern, and a tinge of sadness.

"I wish I could stay," Alara began, her voice filled with a sense of longing. She turned once more, facing the direction of the vast sea, the path leading back to Themyscira. A soft sigh escaped from Diana's lips, her thoughts wandering to the time when she had left her own mother, Queen Hippolyta.

"Is this how my mother felt when I left?" Diana pondered aloud, her voice filled with a mixture of nostalgia and empathy.

Alara took a step towards her mother, her hands reaching out to hold both of Diana's.

The connection between them was palpable, their bond strong and unbreakable. "I'll visit someday, I promise," Alara murmured, her eyes searching for Diana's gaze. "Right now, I can't explain exactly why I need to go, but I just know they need me there, especially Lola."

Instantly, Diana's face lit up at the mention of her beloved granddaughter. Though Lola was not biologically related to either Alara or Diana, the Queen had adored her from the moment Alara brought her home. The mention of Lola brought warmth and joy to their hearts.

"If it's for Lola," Diana said, her voice filled with affection and pride, "then do what's best for her. She is a beautiful girl."

With a shaky sigh, overcome with emotions, Alara impulsively jumped into Diana's embrace, disregarding any notions of royal etiquette. At that moment, neither of them cared about such formalities.

Alara let out a sigh as she drove along the road, a small smile playing on her lips. She was headed towards Louisiana, where she had left Lola in the care of Sarah Wilson before her journey to Themyscira. Sarah had come to know Alara's true identity when Alara appeared at her doorstep with a crying Lola in her arms. Fortunately, Sarah's immediate concern was for the distressed child rather than the revelation of Wonder Woman standing before her.

At that moment, all Alara could think about was four-year-old Lola. She felt uncertain and overwhelmed as the little girl cried incessantly. Sarah Wilson and her two boys, Cass and AJ Wilson, were the first people who came to mind. Their first meeting had been beautiful, and Alara couldn't help but smile as she recalled the adorable interaction.

From a distance, Alara spotted her daughter holding hands with a boy. She knew he was the same boy Lola had mentioned from daycare. The two children stood patiently, awaiting the arrival of the adults. When Lola caught sight of her mother, she excitedly waved, prompting Alara to jog towards them, returning the wave to the daycare teacher.

"Mummy!" Lola let go of the boy's hand and embraced Alara's leg, eliciting a giggle from her mother. Alara crouched down to Lola's level and asked, "How was school?" She planted kisses on Lola's cheeks, observing the little girl turn towards the boy.

"I played cars and Barbies with AJ!" Lola beamed, her voice filled with joy.

Alara looked at her daughter, nodding proudly, before shifting her attention to the boy. "Hi, AJ. My name is Alara," she said, extending her hand towards him. "It's nice to meet you."

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