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a/n: this chapter is entirely my writing except in one spot. Hope you enjoy!

"Where are they? They should have come through by now," said Mrs. Weasley, watching the barrier anxiously.

"Don't worry Molly," Mr. Weasley reassured her. "They've probably been held up by some Muggles in front of the barrier. Don't worry."

Mrs. Weasley's gaze shifted from the barrier to the clock. She gave a small gasp.

"You have to get on the train!" she said, pushing Fred and George toward the train. "The train leaves soon!"

Just as she said those words, the train's horn sounded, signaling the students on the platform that it was time to board. Everyone on the platform hurried inside. Percy, Fred, George, and Ginny vanished to go find their friends — or in Percy's case, go to the prefect carriage — and Marvolo looked for an empty compartment.

"Hey, Gaunt,"

It was Malfoy.

"Sit with us," he beckoned from a compartment next to Marvolo.

Marvolo agreed because he had no choice. Harry and Ron were nowhere to be found. Once Marvolo sat down Malfoy launched into speech, clearly eager to finish a conversation he was having with Crabbe and Goyle. He finished right before the train began to pull out of the station. Harry and Ron had not boarded and Marvolo didn't see them on the platform. Before Marvolo could worry more, Malfoy turned to him with an amused grin on his face.

"Remember at Flourish and Blotts when my father got in a fight?" he asked. "I just finished telling Crabbe and Goyle about it."


"I wonder what Lockhart must have thought," Malfoy looked thoughtful. "I wonder if he'll take points away from the Weasleys at school because their dad took away the limelight."

His grin grew bigger.

"I'd like to see that," he said.

"Would he do that to you?" Marvolo asked. "You dad was in the fight too."

"But Weasley's dad started it," Malfoy said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "My father only defended himself." 

When the lady with the trolley arrived Malfoy bought almost half the trolley.

"I wonder how well Lockhart teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts," said Malfoy while stuffing his face with a chocolate cauldron.

Marvolo opened a chocolate frog card, choosing not to respond.

"He's probably going to be full of himself," Malfoy answered himself. "He seemed like that at the book signing."

Crabbe and Goyle grunted and Malfoy looked up.

"What did you get?" he asked Marvolo. "Last time I got Merlin. It said he was the most famous wizard and served on the court of King Arthur. Big deal."

Malfoy rolled his eyes.

"I could be better than that one day," he said smugly.

"I got Slytherin," said Marvolo, studying the card.

"What does it say?" Malfoy demanded, straightening in his seat.

"It says; Salazar Slytherin was one of the founders of Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. He is one of the first recorded Parselmouths, an accomplished Legilimens, and a notorious champion of pure blood supremacy."

"Cool," said Malfoy, beginning to lick the remnants of his chocolate cauldron off his finger. "I wish I had a Slytherin card."

Marvolo caught the chocolate frog mid jump as it tried to escape. Malfoy eagerly snatched up another chocolate frog card but his face fell when it came up as "Bertie Bott". The light outside was receding.

"We should get into our school robes," suggested Marvolo. "We're almost to Hogwarts."

Again, Marvolo thought of Harry and Ron. Would they get to Hogwarts? Soon, the lights of Hogsmeade came into view and students began cramming into the corridors. Since they were no longer first years, they had to ride the carriages to Hogwarts instead of the boats. Marvolo was relieved because it was probably warmer in the carriages. Once the train stopped, Malfoy fought through the crowd so he was one of the first people out. He had already claimed a carriage by the time Marvolo, Crabbe, and Goyle found him.

Marvolo stared out the window as Malfoy talked to Crabbe and Goyle. The carriage began to move toward the castle. Marvolo focused on the gate, coming closer. His thoughts wandered to Harry and Ron. If things were normal, he'd be riding with them and Hermione. Hermione! He hadn't seen Hermione on the train or the station. She must have gotten on before you. Marvolo reminded himself. She's probably sitting with someone else. The carriage passed through the gates. 

The entrance hall was exactly how Marvolo remembered. He looked around the room as he followed the tide of students into the great hall. It was strange, walking in with all the other students instead of being led by Professor McGonagall into a side chamber before entering. Marvolo wondered what the new first years would be like.

Marvolo, Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle found a place to sit at the Slytherin table and instantly saw some familiar faces. Marvolo recognized Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Millicent Bulstrode, and the Slytherin ghost, the Bloody Baron.

"How was your summer, Draco?" Pansy asked Malfoy.

"It was good," said Draco lazily. "I got to meet the Minister of Magic."

He began to recite his meeting with the Minister and Pansy hung onto his every word as if it would save her when the world ended. Finally the doors of the great hall opened and in came Professor McGonagall, leading a group of small, frightened first years. The entire great hall went silent. She placed the three-legged stool in front of the teacher's table and put the weathered sorting hat on top of it.

"When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted." she said. "Banfield, Adrian!"

Adrian Banfield was made a Ravenclaw.

"Creevey, Colin!"


"Crane, Martha!"


Marvolo began to stare at the spot behind Professor McGonagall's head until he heard her call, "Weasley, Ginny!"

Ginny walked up to the stool looking frightened. Marvolo watched as the sorting hat was lowered onto her head.


The Gryffindor table erupted into cheers and Marvolo gave a mental sigh of relief. The sorting went on until "Zacarias, Anthony!" was made a Slytherin. Food appeared along the house tables and chatter quickly filled the hall as people helped themselves to food.

"Excuse me," a first year with short brown hair asked Marvolo. "Who's that?"

He was pointing at the Bloody Baron.

"He's the Bloody Baron," Marvolo told him. "The house ghost."

"Why's he all bloody?" the boy asked.

Marvolo shrugged, "Who knows."

"Maybe he was killed in a duel and the person he was fighting wanted to make sure he was dead," said Malfoy. When he saw the scared look on the first year's face he added, "Don't worry, it probably wasn't that. A spell would have been an easier way to make sure he was finished off."

The first year didn't look too relieved. Marvolo' s eyes scanned the Gryffindor table. No Harry and Ron. Where are they? 

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