The Beginning of a Seige

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1562 CE

Udai Singh II had decided to move his capital to the new city down south. After months of tedious work, it is finally ready on Lake Pichola. But it would mean leaving behind Chittorgarh, their home since Bappa Rawal's time. Not only memories but the pride of the Sisodia Clan was attached to it. But he needed to move his family to safer grounds. The history of their family was always full of turmoil, death and struggle. But he was determined to make his family safe. For the first time, a Rajput King was thinking of his family before his subjects. He called his sons and chieftains for a meeting.

" You all know that Akbar is aiming at sieging Chittorgarh. His army has camped at the foothills and our spies say that they were seen to build a Tila near our fort."

After much discussion, it was decided that they will move out of Chittorgarh, leaving it in the care of Patta Sisodia, Jaimal Rathore of Badnore and Kalla. Kunwar Pratap was not in favour of the escape. Rawat Chundawat convinced him that he was their future. He should be out of danger to save Mewar in the future. The discussion ended with the decision that they were leaving in a week.

Kunwar Pratap made his way quietly down the corridors of Rani Mahal and was preoccupied with thoughts. He thought the decision was too soon and too personal for his father. A daasi greeted him on the way. " Tell Choti Kuwaranisa that I will not be coming to her chambers tonight. I have some important work."

" Ji Kunwarsa."

The Daasi went to give the message to the second wife of Kunwar Pratap, Rajkumari Solankhini Bai. He stepped towards his mother's room. He knew the person to talk to now was Maharani Jaivanta Bai. However, a daasi informed him she was already asleep. Disturbed he turned towards another room. A daasi sat guard at the door and immediately got up to greet him.

" Is she there?"

" Yes, Kunwarsa, Kunwar Amar has just fallen asleep. Should I take him away with me?"

" No No, let him stay with his mother, you can leave."

Dispersing the Daasi he slowly entered the room making sure he was not making any noise to wake the sleeping boy. The room was dark, the prince was asleep in his mother's bed. A lamp shone in a corner and in that light she sat, reading a Granth. Her face was peaceful and beautiful in the light of the lamp. She looked up at the sound of the door closing and a smile appeared on her face seeing him, only to fade into fear. She rushed to him, " Are you all right? Aren't you supposed to be at Behena's chamber today?"

" I am fine." He tried to smile to ease her fears, but she was not convinced.

"What happened?"

" We were called to the court by Daajiraaj."

" And?"

" He decided we are all leaving Chittorgarh for a safer life in the new capital. Akbar has set up camp at the foothills."

" What? Is there going to be a war?"

" Yes, a big one, but I can not fight there." He sat down frustrated.

" And you don't want to leave?"

" I want to save Chittorgarh Ajabde, I do."

" If you decide to stay here I will stay back with Amar."

" No Ajabde, Amar is our future, you have to leave."

" Okay, we will send Amar with Behena."

" Amar needs his mother, not stepmother." His stern reply reflected the kind of treatment he had received from his father's favourite wife, Dheerbai ji.

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