Chapter 14.

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"You can't be serious, you haven't even seen any real evidence that they're a threat. There is no way I'm quitting my job." Jayden said as he poured some coffee into a mug.

"You have to, you are. If there's any chance they're serious, I'm not letting you be alone." I said.

"Babe," He looked at me, "I'm really glad you care so much, but I can take care of myself." I immediately scoffed at that and he let out an annoyed sigh. "Corey. I'll be fine." I clenched my teeth at his insistence. This was not something we could have a discussion about. There were no options. I wasn't going to let him get hurt.

"Don't make me have to command you to do this, Jayden." I spoke seriously, my voice low. He seemed to realise how serious I was after that and completely turned to me as he gave a laugh of disbelief.

"You have no right to tell me what to do, Corey." He said.

"I do, I'm trying to protect you." I said.

"I don't need you to protect me."

"Wow, really? While you're seeing things and freaking out about nothing, you don't need me to protect you?" I asked but regretted it as soon as it left my mouth. "I'm sorry, that was –"

He shook his head cutting me off. "We're done here." He said as he grabbed his car keys, "I'm going back to work."

"No, you are not." I said, my voice edging.

"Don't you dare," He glared at me. "I accepted you, but the fact that you're Beta doesn't mean that you own me, Corey."

"I never said that, Jayden! I'm just trying to keep you safe. Why are you being so goddamn hard-headed about this?" I asked.

"Because I'm sick of you treating me like a child you're babysitting instead of your mate." He said. "You can't boss me around whenever you feel like it. I don't have to be here. I choose to be here because of you, because I love you. Don't make me want to leave."

"What?" I looked at him not sure how to react to his words, but they had made me completely forget what we were talking about to begin with. Why would he say that? Did he know? No. He couldn't know. He didn't know, right? Of course not, he would have said something. "How-how do I –?" I was saying.

"Am I interrupting?" My mood completely changed to annoyance as Carrie's voice filled the room.

"Yes." I replied harshly while glaring towards the doorway.

"No." Jayden countered, "I was just leaving."

"No, no, no. Jay –" I panicked slightly turning back to him, "Where-where are you going?" I asked catching his hand.

"Work." He looked at me tilting his head. Right, he had just said that. My sudden panic seemed to alleviate some of the tension between us as he stepped closer to me still seeming surprised by the reaction, "Babe, calm down."

'Just... be careful.' I linked to him accepting that we were not going to finish what we were talking about. He gave a little chuckle and kissed me.

"I will. I'll see you later."

I nodded pulling him into a hug before watching him make his way out of the kitchen. As soon as he was out of the house Carrie stepped towards me but I muttered the spell I had used before and froze her to the floor where she was.

"Stay the fuck away from me." I said calmly before walking out of the kitchen and heading up to my room to get some rest while I could.


Keeping Him (Learning To Love Him book 2) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now