Chapter 3.

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Chapter 3.



I watched as everyone messed around while I sat aside like old times, but it wasn't because of the same reasons. Now I just liked observing Eli and Tamia play... and also, I needed to know what they were doing because they could get hurt or Eli could disappear again and give me another heart attack...

"Daddy!" I let out a cough as Tamia pounced on me, but not to show how much her knee slamming into my kidney hurt. "I'm tired!" She announced swinging her arms around my neck.

I was surprised at what was said, she certainly didn't sound or act like she was tired. Chuckling, I got up while lifting in my arms with a bit of effort. Despite having been forced to work out with Corey – by Corey, I was still an Omega so carrying her was not as easy as it was when she was smaller.

"Eli?" I looked at him.

"No! I'm staying up all night!" He yelled causing everyone to groan complaints as they rubbed their ears. He gave a sheepish smile mumbling an apology and I laughed.

"Fine, just for tonight," I said.

"Ma, I'm tired." I looked at Ashton as he mumbled to Izabella and smirked at the kid. No, he wasn't, but I understood. I saw Ben and my son laugh and Ashton shot a glare at them.

"Want me to –?" Izabella began.

"No, it's okay. I want to go with Uncle Jay." He said quickly. She gave a laugh as she looked at me.

"Come on," I took his hand and led him to the gaming room where the kids had set up all their beds – it was basically a mess of pillows, blankets and any other soft and fluffy things they could find in the house as they insisted 'camping' downstairs, it wasn't a bad job and they had even created a little blanket fort in one corner of the room. There were about nine kids all together, all below ten years old. Izabella didn't have to say it for me to know she was glad Kaden and I were staying over.

I tucked the kids in before lying down between them.

"Sing?" Tamia yawned leaning against me. I smiled as I wrapped my arm around her.

"Only if you sing with me," I said. Both my kids seemed to have gotten my love for music, I was happy for that. They sang pretty well, though Eli's bass skills were slightly better than his voice.

"Yeah, sing with him." I chuckled as Ashton encouraged Tamia.

It was funny, the only person who refused to acknowledge that Ashton had indeed found his mate when Tamia was born was Corey; he refused to even think it. I don't think he would let himself so much as consider that type of thought. I found it cute how protective he was of both of our kids, I loved him for it.

"Fine," one thing our kids hadn't gotten from me was their bold confidence, yup, that was all Corey.

I began singing and Tamia joined in. I watched Ashton as he stared at her smiling. It was sweet. If he kept treating her the way he already did, I knew she would be perfectly safe and happy with him. If he did hurt her though, Corey definitely wasn't going to be his only problem.

Somewhere in the song, Tamia fell asleep and right after she did, Ashton followed. I was too lazy to get up so just stayed there and thought about Corey. Maybe I was being stupid; it really wasn't that I didn't trust him. But if I was in his position... There was so many more who were so much better. Added to that was that despite him already being mated and having children, women and men in our pack and not weren't very subtle about their attraction towards him.

Keeping Him (Learning To Love Him book 2) (Boyxboy)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum