Chapter 15.

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I smiled watching Jayden make breakfast with Tamia, it was nine o'clock on a Saturday morning but there was no way Eli was getting up before eleven. Sometimes his sleeping habits worried me... but he was growing, right?

My smile wavered as I focused on my mate. Though Jayden was ecstatic that we were finally getting married, I felt like crap and had not slept as all. The thing is: when he wanted us to get married, I refused because I felt like he didn't trust me, I felt like he thought he needed a way to make sure I would stick with him because he was so insecure. It was ridiculous, I could and would never leave him. Though, what was even more ridiculous was the fact that I had finally agreed only because I was afraid he would leave once he found out about what happened between Carrie and me... I just couldn't risk losing him. The thought made my body feel weak.

"Didn't you sleep?" Carrie asked as she walked in wearing a night gown way too short to be worn in front of my little girl – or boy.

Jayden greeted her and Tamia gave her a smile and mumbled a polite 'good morning' before she turned back to whatever it is she and Jayden had decided would be good Saturday breakfast. I wasn't paying attention to what they were making and had been more caught-up in just admiring them.

Carrie looked at me expectantly and I resisted the urge to flip her off. I knew the situation was my fault, I had been so stupid, but why the hell was she in my house?

"Can you put some clothes on?" I frowned at her.

"I am wearing clothes." I shot her a glare before smiling, she seemed surprised by the sudden change in expression, raising her brows at me.

"Guess what?" I asked excitedly.

"What?" She smiled.

"We're getting married." Her smile fell like it was the Flash on steroids.

I covered my ears as a scream suddenly erupted in the kitchen.

"What the fuck?!" that was Eli from upstairs.

"Eli, language. Tammy, Princess, please don't do that again." I said rubbing my ears. Jayden stood with a crooked smile on his face as he rubbed his ears. He looked so cute.

"Sorry!" I laughed as Tamia yelled that too while jumping onto Jayden's back. He laughed and I grinned at how happy he was.

"Get-getting married?" Carrie cleared her throat, "Isn't that... sudden?" She asked looking at Jayden.

"No, it isn't. It's actually long overdue." As I said it, I realised it was true. I smiled as Jayden gave me a kiss on my lips.

"Who's getting married?" Eli stumbled into the kitchen, clearly still half asleep.

"Uncle Jason." I said, Eli looked at me before he began laughing. I chuckled at our son's reaction and Jayden shot me a glare.

'Don't be rude, he's your best friend.' He linked to me.

"I'm not being rude." I said before I remembered, "We have to talk... Alone." I glanced at Carrie.

"Oh, that's fine. You two can go out, I'll watch the kids." I looked at Carrie about to ask her why the hell she thought I would leave her alone with my children but Jayden spoke first.

"Thanks a lot." He said.

'Jay.' I linked to him.

'She won't hurt them, Corey. We'll be gone for what, two hours at most? And Eli's stronger than she is. By far.' He linked to me.

Keeping Him (Learning To Love Him book 2) (Boyxboy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora