𝒲𝓇𝑜𝓃𝑔 𝒞𝒽𝑜𝒾𝒸𝑒.

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I open my eyes. I noticed I'm leaning on the glass, I look around and I see some equipment broken. Finally everything comes to me. I place a hand on my head, memories flooding in. I got up and felt that the bullet wound was gone. I slightly lift my shirt and notice the wound has healed, there's no scar. Like it never happened.

I bite the inside of my mouth. "Charlotte." It's Estella, she's with me. A relief comes into my body. I hold back the tears. "Hi Ella." I hear footsteps coming from out of the lab. Panic rushes through me. I grab my bag and the flashlight, and head for a place to hide.

I see a big desk, I argue about hiding in the easiest spot. I notice the person opening the door. I swiftly slid under the desk. It's noiseless. I can hear my heart beating. I try to control my breathing, taking small breaths.

I hear the footsteps getting closer. I quietly take out one of my daggers. I clutch it in my hand. I smell something familiar, a cologne scent. I know it's risky but I poke my head out just for my eyes to see. Relief embraces me.


I try to move. But something in my body stops me. "No. Don't move. Dangerous." I hear Estella's voice. I answer back, "Why, he's helping us." "He's not trustworthy." I slowly back up into the hiding spot again. I peek my head out only for me to see.

I see Zero, then some men shortly come in. Next I see Richard standing next to him. Richard looks at Zero. "What the hell," Richard's face turns red. "You said she'll be here. I even fucking shot her. Where is this bitch!?" Zero even looks pissed. Richard looks at the tank. "Where the HELL is the other girl?!" he shouts. Richard's bodyguards don't answer. "Look for that bitch, dammit!" Zero goes with the men.

"It's a good time to move now." Estella muttered. I nod. "Agree." I look around me. I noticed a janitor's room. I swiftly make it inside, I close the door behind me, quietly. "Think, Charlotte." I look around me, I notice some cleaning stuff, a mop and stop wet signs. I grab the wet sign and place it under the doorknob. I look above me, these ceiling tiles are thin, easy to move. I stand on something and slowly pick up the tile. My body freezes. The doorknob starts rattling. "This door is locked!" Panic consumes me. Shit. I quickly made it inside the ceiling. Sliding the tile back in place, I hear the door open on que. I hear some people barge in. "There's no one in here, false alarm." Relief takes over.

I hear them leave the room. "You can get out now." Estella spoke. "Are they fully out of the lab?" "Yes." I remove the tile and jump down. I slowly open the door, revealing a familiar face.


I grab my bag and rush out the janitor's room. Two spots me. His face shows a sign of panic. "Don't come near me." I slow down my pace. Now I'm standing in front of Two. "What..?"

I try to step forward, but he takes one back. He places his hands in front of him. "Don't come close to me, please Charlie." Richard walks into the room with men behind him, and Zero. "Isn't this a sight to see?" Two places his hands down, and turns his head to the side.

Without a warning Richard shoots Two in the stomach. Two drops to the floor, crying in agony. I run to Two's side but some men grab me, pulling my arms behind my back. They punch me in my stomach, making me fall on my knees. I see a pair of feet in front of me. They grab my face aggressively. I meet their eyes, it's Richard.

"You bitch! I tried numerous times to give you chances. Yet you still take them for granted." He slaps me across the face. Another hit comes in contact with my cheek. I hear someone pull something out.

Soon a quick sharp pain shoots into my body. I look behind me, they stabbed me with my own dagger. I yell out in affliction. I see two trying to move, but the men are holding a firm grip on him. I see Richard take out his gun. He points it at Two. My eyes quickly make their way to him. Something inside of me takes over my body. He doesn't look scared. He looks desperate.

He opens his mouth, his lips dry. "Kill me, but let her live." My heart rate picks up. I feel hotness creep up on my neck. Richard looks done with him. He lifts his gun from Two's direction.

Is this what love feels like..? When someone risks their own life... just to save yours? Is this what love feels like? To have someone make your day, brighten up your mood? Make you laugh? Look at you with adornment? Make love to you? Cherish you? Squeeze you tightly until you can't breathe? Or be so gentle with them, you think they might break or shatter? And yes, there are over a million words in our language, but for some reason none of them can describe the way he makes me feel.

Richard's face brightens up. His voice says me out of my thoughts, and back into reality. "How about we play a number game. Only one rule, you have to pick One or Two." He looks back at me and Two. I shake my head, "We don't have time for your bullshit." I announce. "Y'know you're sick bast-'' I notice about Ten guns pointed at me. Richard places his hands on his knees. "Listen here little girl, I'm trying to give you one last chance." He said leisurely.

"I suggest you shut your fucking mouth and play the damn game." He gives me a fake smile. I roll my eyes. He stands to his full height. I look at Two, he looks tired. Like he hasn't slept in a few days. Sweat dripping down his face, to his neck, and disappearing into his clothes. "It's okay, we're gonna be okay." I whisper to him. I feel myself losing consciousness. "Hurry up twat, I'm bleeding out." I yell.

He rolls his eyes. He faces to Two. "Now, pick the number One or Two.." I feel Two's glare on me. I give him a weak smile. "It's okay.." I cough out. Blood falls on the floor. Two look back at Richard. Richard makes a hurt face. "Ouch.. Wrong choice." Without hesitation, Richard pulls out his gun...It feels like time stopped. But in all reality, it went by in the blink of an eye.

Or in a Heartbeat..


OKAY I KNOW I'VE BEEN AWAY FOR AWHILE. Family choose to stay wayyy longer then expected. I'm back though! At least for the weekend. I'm going back on vacation sunday. I'M SO SORRY GUYS PLEASE BARE WITH ME. It's summer! And we have A LOT of things planned. After I post this, I'll be making more chapters. I'll even ask my mom to stay up late just to write more down. BUT Please don't kill me for killing Charlotte. She's my bbg. It was a hard choice to do, believe me. It wasn't my choice! But my bbg's. She know who she is> 



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