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I don't know how long I was out but damn did it feel good. My head is thumping. I slowly sit up, but when I do I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. I look down to see I'm in a sort of hospital gown. I lift the shirt up a bit to see bandages around my stomach.

There's bright lights everywhere. I hear someone come in, they're talking to me but I can't hear anything. It's all muffled. They pass me sunglasses. I quickly put them on and lay back down. I see a man come in, he pulls a chair close to my bed.

My vision is slowly clearing up, I can make small details out of him, he's wearing an outfit, all black, with short sleeves, and he looks athletic.

I take off my sunglasses and put them on the dresser next to my bed. Zero. I can't say I'm a little surprised to see him here. He looks pretty bad. He has bags under his eyes, his face looks all sad and he's tense.

"Hi." he softly whispered

"Hi." I fiddle with my hands in my lap. It feels a little awkward since the fighting, I mean I was out for god knows how long, but still. I'm the first to break the silence, "Um, how–"

"Three days," he said. I reply with a nod. "Anything happened after I blacked out..?" He doesn't speak, he's not even looking at me while talking, he looks lost in thought. "I'm not able to see you after this. We'll only see each other on missions and that's it."

I'm surprised, "Did you make some sort of agreement with Richard, I was unconscious but I heard some stuff. " His head shoots straight up in my direction. We lock eyes, I shift under his gaze and he seems to notice. He gets up from his chair and leans into my face close, very close.

I take this time to notice the small features on him, beautiful, yet mesmerizing blue ice eyes, sometimes they look like a pool of water, or frozen cold ice. He has small little freckles all over his face, it's quite adorable. His hair grows a little longer every time I see him.

I'm pulled back to reality when I feel his hand grab my chin, "What exactly did you hear,"he whispered. Whispered, so gentle like he's scared of raising his voice. Being calm to me. It makes me feel safe.

"All i heard was 'dear son, she will try to escape.'" I use air quotes to mimic Richard. He isn't tense anymore, I cleared my throat, "What were you guys talking about, anyway." I questioned. He holds my hands in his, his hands are big.

"Nothing you should worry about, we just talked about you coming on missions, and training here." My very small smile drops. I move my hands from his, "But what about my cats, Zero out of all the people here they're going to die, i need to get out of here." I said abruptly.

He shakes his head, "I'm sorry, but you can't go back." I get up from my bed almost falling to the floor, Zero catches me by my waist. I move myself from him, and place my hands on my hips. I pace around the room, thinking, there should be a way to get the hell out of here.

I hear the doors to my room open, it's Richard. He's wearing black and gold, it makes me want to puke. Doesn't look good on him. "Now that you're awake we need to see if you're trustable for missions and test those. He puts his hands in the air. "Abilities." He said making air quotes.

I roll my eyes, look to my side and see Zero looking down to the floor, "Once you're done looking at him, here are your clothes, these were made especially for you. If you try to escape, we'll know they have trackers on them." Rickard said. One of his men threw me a pair of clothes, and I easily caught them.

Richard looks at Zero. Just standing there. Soon he turns on his foot and heads out with his men and Zero following behind. Zero looks back and gives me a small smile. I try to return one back but it doesn't make my face.

I will never see my cats again, the only pets that love me..

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