
7 1 11

I awake to the sunlight gently touching my face. It welcomes me to the feeling of warmth. However, when I turn my face to the darkness, I notice the ring on my finger shining in the sunlight.

My eyes feel swollen. I sit up and scan the room. The room is now thrashed. Last night after Zero left, I created chaos. Mostly everything is either broken or torn.

I get up and walk to the bathroom. As I'm brushing my teeth I think about what to do today. I want to learn how to harness my powers, learn to control them. Yesterday was a great day.

I earned the trust of the people.. however I cannot break it again. That day when I shot a bolt of lightning just out of my fingertips was insane.

I finish brushing and wash my face. I take a look around my room. It's very messy. I sit down in the middle of my room on the floor, and close my eyes.

Soon I hear stuff around me move. I try to control it, until suddenly a knock on my door interrupts me. I groan and stand up, I open the door. "Hello there." I roll my eyes. "What are you doing here, Zero. Can't you see I'm busy?" I cross my hand in front of my chest. He looks behind me seeing all the mess.

"Are you on your period?"

My jaw opens. I'm surprised he knows that. I scoff. "No, I'm pissed at you, you're making me move in with you." He steps closer to me. I take a step back. He closes the door behind him and locks it. "Trust me, it'll be better, I'm not boring." He winks.

I glare at him. "Right now I want to punch you in the face." His lips turn into a frown. I gesture to my bed. He raises an eyebrow. "Just sit down, dirty boy." He obeys.

"There is something I want to talk to you about." I spoke. "Go ahead." He said. "Do you have any siblings?" He parts his lips then clears his throat. "No, every time I brought up the topic I would get smacked." His eyes darken.

I sit on the floor in front of him. "In my dream, I saw my sister, Estella. she died when we were little, we were twins." My voice dropped into a whisper. "She visited me, but she was an adult already." I don't want to tell him what Estella told me, so I pick out some pieces to tell.

"She told me that our mom was living on the streets and some man came and helped her. Soon they both fell in love with each other, but she was pregnant with us." I take a pause. I wiped the tears from my face, which I didn't know were falling. I look at Zero. "Which means he's not my real Father."

Zero raises his eyebrow. "Then who is?" I inhale a deep breath. "Richard." Zero is on his feet, I follow him. "You're lying. That's just a dream." He paces around the room. I shake my head. "I'm telling you Zero, it felt real." He looks at me. Unexpectedly he starts laughing. "Is this your way of me trying to not be in love with you anymore? Charlotte, you should know better.'' His voice becomes more firm and strict. He starts walking towards me, I take steps back.

He places both hands on either side of the wall, trapping me. "Please Zero, I'm telling the truth." I place my hands on his chest, creating some type of space. "Do you hear yourself? You're saying that something might be true, because of some dream you had of your dead sister."

"I am not the crazy type, I believe things when there's facts on the table. This?" He points at my head. "I don't believe it." I shake my head. "Tell me this, you've been watching me for a long time, right?" He looks taken aback. "Why the sudden change in topic?"

I roll my eyes, "Answer the question Zero." He nods his head. He crosses his hands. A relief settles in me. "During any point in looking at my file. Your Father didn't become pale?" I questioned.

"No, he didn't." I take a deep breath. "But because he didn't want to, or had enough time to. He always made up excuses every time I tried to ask him why he wanted you." There's a moment of silence. I slid down the wall and rested my hands on my legs. "There was this one time.." My head shoots straight up. "It was late at night, so I went to grab him coffee. I came back, and the door was slightly open. I peeked through."

"He was looking at some type of file. All I saw was the last name, before he caught me." I get up. "What was the last name, Zero?" He stays quiet for a moment. "This is important Zero." I said blunt.

"It said McCalister." I give him a confused look. "I've never heard of a McCalister." "Shit!" I yell. "Zero." He looks at me. "I need you to get that file." His eyes darken. "Hell no, he has a key to that drawer. Whatever's in there. It's important to him. It'll be really hard to not get caught." I pace around the room. "There has to be another way." He said. I stop in my tracks. "No, there has to be another file." He gives me a confused look.

"Think about it, if you were in his position wouldn't you want another copy? Just in case things go bad? It has to be somewhere it could blend in with other things." "Where do you usually keep files.?" Now he's catching on. "Science labs or a room full of documents." I nod my head. "I'll check the science lab, you check the room of documents."

"Charlotte, if this is all true about what you're saying.." He trails off. "I want to say I'm sorry." I nod. "We'll talk about it tomorrow. Tonight, we're going to find this file."


I'm sitting on my bed with my leg bouncing. I briefly keep looking at the clock. I told Zero to meet me here at 9p.m. It's 8:50. I stand up and start pacing around my room. I stand in front of my mirror. Soon the mirror starts turning into liquid. I place my hand on the glass, it breaks at my touch. "You named me after a Cat." I swiftly turned around. I see Calix with the cat in his arms. "Calix." The cat's head perks up and meows. I grin, "It's good to see you again. I was beginning to miss you."

Calix rolls his eyes, and holds the cat outward. "Clearly." Calix meows. I grab Calix from him. Calix nudges his head into my arm. "Why are you all dressed up?" Calix looks at the clock. "At 8:50 in the night."

I briefly look at the door. "There's a file in Richard's room. I need to get it and Zero's gonna help me." Calix crosses his arms. "I told him about Estella. I told him that we're siblings, Calix." I mumbled. "Do you know anyone named McCalister?" I look at Calix, searching for some kind of relief.

I'm disappointed. "No clue on who that is." I place Calix on the floor. " I came this far. Only to end up here." He doesn't respond, I continue. "I'm scared. Why am I scared..?" I fell to my knees. Tears are streaming down my face. But I don't stop them. "How the hell do I keep going? Haven't I given enough?"

I place the back of my hand on my mouth to muffle the sounds of my cries. I see Calix's hand. "Come on." I grab his hand. He places his hands on both of my cheeks and wipes my tears on my face. "Chin up Kiddo, they'd kill to see you fall."

I laugh while I'm still crying. Suddenly he gives me a hug, a bear hug too. He whispered in my ear, "It's okay to cry when there's too much on your mind. The clouds rain too when things get heavy." I smile. "That's funny coming from you." He pulls away from me. "Thank you Calix." I hear a knock at my door. I look back at Calix, and he's already gone. I look at the clock, exactly 9. I opened it. My eyes widened.


𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ