"Plans" Chapter 3

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replaying the night.


Uki then walked on the busting bar, Avoiding the crowd, Softly fondling his forehead, Going back to the lounge that his friends were at, But his visions were going black from that drink he chugged down, Hitting a person by his arm, His vision feels like he's about to be falling into his knees,
"Woah- You okay?-" He stated, Uki then looked up, His face burning red, "Agh..." Uki mumbled quietly, "Yo! Uki, What are you doing here?" A Female voice could be heard, "Damn, How many drinks have you taken..." She stated as a gremlin laugh could be heard, "Not that much..." Uki mumbled, His Vision was spinning, Trying to get a hold of himself, "Should we take him to a hospital? His face is burning red." He stated, "Don't worry Fulgur, He's fine~ Plus he is probably with his friends right now." She stated, Uki then stood up, "Shit." Uttering, Picking himself up again, His vision was still a bit hazy.

"I'm sorry." Uki mumbled, Averting his gaze. As he walked out, Fulgur then reached out his hands, Grabbing Uki by the arm, "W-Wait..." Fulgur uttered, "Yo, What's the tension between you-" She smirked, staring at Uki, "S-Shut up Selen." Uki flusteredly said, "Damn, I am out of here, C'mon Ike, Leave them alone~." Selen said, Raising both of her arms as she walked out of the situation easily, Followed by Ike...

"Hey, We can talk it out, right?" Fulgur asked, As he looked at Uki pleadingly, Uki then averted his gaze, Fulgur holding onto Uki's arm tightly, "I..." Uki then responded, As Fulgur raised his eyebrows, "Yo Uki! There you are...- Oh." His voice dropped, "Doppio-" Uki raised his head, "Wait, Am i interrupting something-" Doppio walked backward, "No,No!" Uki reached out his hand, As he bit his lip, Alarming Doppio to help him out.

Doppio then smirked, "Oh crap! I think Shu-Senpai is calling me right now- Gotta go!" Doppio dodge Uki, "God Damn it, Doppio." Uki hissed, As he looked back at Fulgur, "Uhm..." Uki mumbled, As Fulgur looked at him waiting for a response, "Is there really something to talk about?" Uki chuckled awkwardly, As Fulgur sighed, "I- I think so?" Fulgur exclaimed as he chuckled awkwardly.

; . . ✦ . . ;

Uki then sat across Fulgur, Avoiding each other's gaze, "Is this the competition of 'Avoiding each other's gazes'?" Vox sulked, Crossing his arms, "Come on, give them some time~" Selen shrugged her shoulders, letting out a feign innocent huff. "Won't it be too weird watching them... Maybe they need privacy?" Ike suggested, "You're definitely right, Ikey Wikey!~" Vox clinged onto Ike's arm, "Please..." Ike exclaimed a sigh, Pushing Vox's face away, While Vox stared at Ike with his lips puckering like a duck lips, "Stop it..." Ike shot a glare.

"Is it me or does Vox and Ike became more closer, don't you think it's a little suspicious?~" Selen slyly smiled, staring at the two as she watched Ike's face flushed red, "You're definitely wrong!" Ike attempts to avoid the conversation, "Are you two like having a secret affair? A relationship or something?" Selen asked, "What? No... Why are you even asking this..!" Ike feigns innocence, "Curiosity got me thinking y'know?" Selen laughed menacingly, Flapping her hands up and down with that smirk on her face. "And what makes you think that..!" Ike asked, As he shot a glare.

"Look at you beating red!" Selen continually laughed, As tears started to form on her eyes from laughing, clenching her arms onto her stomach, As she exclaimed a soft sigh, "It's not funny c'mon...!" Ike pouted, exclaiming a weak whine.

"Ya'll definitely forgot we are still here right?" Reimu cleared her throat, "'We' Who?" Selen asked, Tilting her head, "What do you mean 'We'? Me and Fulgur, And the pretty guy!" Turning her back to see Fulgur and Uki gone, "Wait, They're gone? When did they leave?" Reimu asked, As she exclaimed, "Frick it, Give me a drink." Reimu then grabbed the cup on the table, chugging it down as if there is no tomorrow, "Sheesh, Calm down chugging it down, Baby. Haha!" Selen chuckled, "Shut up." Reimu placed the cup down, As she grabbed the bottle to pour some for herself again.

; . . ✦ . . ;

"Is this really necessary...?" Uki played with his fingers, "Uhm, I think so?" Fulgur replied, "What are we doing in this dark alley then." Uki crossed his arms, Shooting a glare at Fulgur, Sending a cold shiver, "H-Hey! I don't have any bad intentions, I'm not gonna rob you or anything, it was just getting pretty awkward sitting with those guys!" Fulgur tried to explain, Making Uki chuckle as he exclaimed, But immediately changed his attitude as he continued glaring at him, "I didn't even said a single thing yet." Uki responded. "Well, I don't really know where to start so..." Fulgur shyly said, As Uki exclaimed a sigh averting his eyes from the man, Who would have thought meeting the guy who you accidentally kissed again!? That would be too embarrassing.

"Why did you come looking for me again anyways." Uki asked Fulgur, As Fulgur looked at him in his eyes, Those warm silver-eyes staring at him again, Like that night he saw them.

"I- I thought it would be okay if y'know, Too start something from what happened..." Fulgur's cheeks tinted red, Uki's eyes widening, "What...?" Uki uttered, Speechless, "Well, The night I saw you I felt something different, Like uh, We pretty had a lot of common, well like I'm not confessing right now, it's just that-" Fulgur suddenly choked on his own words, "God- I'm sorry if I'm being cringe." Fulgur averted his eyes away from Uki, As Uki sighed, "Go on." Uki mumbled, "I'm sorry.. What?" Fulgur asked.

"I said 'Go on'. Continue. I'm listening." Uki uttered, "Just- Uhm, Build up our relationship as friends For now, I think I'd like to know you more..." Fulgur exclaimed, He is so embarrassed from what he is saying towards Uki, God, Did he feel so cringe saying that shit just to get closer to this beautiful, majestic, man.

Uki then slightly showed a smile towards Fulgur, "I guess." Uki stated, Pulling out his phone almost fumbling his hands from how nervous the tension got, "Sorry. Uhm." Uki laughed awkwardly, "I think, We can start by uhm... Switching each other's phone number...! Good start.." Uki shot up to the point, As Fulgur nodded, "Y-Yeah! Good idea..!" Fulgur agreed to Uki's idea, Of course he would agree to switch numbers with Uki, Who wouldn't dare to accept his phone number?

"I can type my phone number instead if you want?" Fulgur suggested, "Yeah, Sure." Uki then lend his phone to Fulgur, Their skin then brushed against each other, Almost making Fulgur flushed red, He then grabbed the phone immediately as he typed fast in the phone, The tapping sounds was louder than the awkwardness tension between these two. "Here." Fulgur lending the phone back, "Well, that was fast? Haha!" Uki chuckled, As Fulgur couldn't help but also laugh a little, Man, His voice was everything and that laugh too? Such mesmerizing sound, He would pay a million just to hear that again..

"I think we should head back- Or maybe part our ways for now, I guess... I think my friends might be looking for me..." Uki stated, looking up at Fulgur, "Fulgur?" Uki called out to Fulgur, "R-Right! Sorry, I zoned out for a bit." Fulgur apologized with an awkward laugh, "Do you want me to escort you there?" Fulgur suggested with a soft smile plastered on his face, "That's too much to ask..." Uki softly laughed, As they walked out of the dark alley, Making their way to the bar entrance. "I'll be fine walking straight there." Uki reassured Fulgur, "Okay." Fulgur mumbled, Entering the bar again, Just the same, The music was blasting and the lights were dancing.

"Right... I guess I'll see you soon?" Fulgur exclaimed, "Yeah, See you soon, I guess." Uki exclaimed as he walked away from Fulgur, both parting their ways, "'See you soon'!?" Uki thought rubbing both of his warm palms in his cheek, What could the sentence 'See you soon' Mean? Uki's mind is going crazy.

Who wouldn't believe things went down suddenly going up like his heart beat raising, Could his smartwatch record his heart pulse going palpitate from how dreamy and soft Fulgur Ovid be? Uki then pinched his hand, Preventing him from daydreaming and snap to reality!

He then went to the lounge where they were hanging out. To surprise, Shu and 'Luca' were gone, But were instead replaced with Ren and Kyo, "Hey." Uki muttered sitting on the couch as Doppio stared at him, "Don't even Doppio." Uki bonked Doppio on his head, "Ow!" Doppio could only mumble in pain.


"Now we're talking body?" [PSYBORG] + NIJISANJI | YORE HA |حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن