Chapter 7: Hospital Dilemma

Start from the beginning

"I need to go to the bathroom. Go on ahead. I'll find my way." He cut me off and walked away. disappearing off from my line of sight into one of the turns of the building.

"You're strange." I say to no one in particular, continuing on. At least I can walk with ease now. Without him stealing glances at me from the corner of his eyes as we were silent.

Normal P.O.V

James sat up on his hospital bed. Watching television. (Y/N)'s mother left a while ago, saying that she had to attend to her job. (Y/N) was coming here. He was glad that she was okay at least.

He gripped his bandaged, left shoulder. Where he was shot by an anonymous man whom he never saw or knew. Good thing (Y/N) wasn't shot.

"My perception was off. Even if I didn't do that, she wouldn't really have been shot anyway." He sighed. He continued going through the channels. Nothing in them was relevant.

He rested his chin on his hand. Over his forehead were bandages as well. And a couple of band-aids over the smaller wounds on his face. Made by his land on the ground.

Investigators were called by Mrs. (L/N). They interviewed James a short while after he woke up. But he knew that the case will never be solved and will be considered as just another camping ambush by thugs or something. Not just because they will never find the culprits or they don't know half the shit that happened.

But because they would never let them know. The facility.

Everyone, (Y/N), his other friends, the whole society, doesn't know of it. The facility doesn't 'exist' to them. It has it's own world. No one knows but him and all who works there. Also, the monsters.

Monsters, Freaks, Psychopaths, Sociopaths- you name it. The most notorious and lethal living and non-living organisms to ever exist. All of them are kept there. And each and everyone of those things are pure evil.

To James, that facility is cleansing the world of evil. He himself doesn't know much about it. What they do other than keeping them there. Everyone there keeps secrets. You cannot trust anyone, but you have to.

No one dares speak of that organization with people who doesn't know. They will be marked as traitors. Simply put, traitors are hunted and killed. You do your job to follow the orders and there

He wondered how much longer he can take it all. Other than the life of danger he has, the guilt consumes him. He can't just keep (Y/N) in the dark. They were attacked, and they will be attacked again. Bart, James' co-worker, was killed by one of the monsters. He doesn't want that to happen to (Y/N) or other people. He has to track down the inmate that had escaped before it gets to them. And he knows that it knows (Y/N)'s face as well.

It's hunt or be hunted.

As he was caught up in his thoughts, there was a knock on the door. He thought it was (Y/N). He was both excited and even more guiltier than before. The door opened, but no one came in. Strange.

He narrowed his eyes at the door and waited for whoever was to come there. Maybe it was their attacker? Someone else? Someone from the facility? Either way, he was unarmed. But he's been in worse conditions.

"Show yourself." James called out with a fierce, commanding tone. No response came. But his guard didn't falter at this.

"James Daniel Ivory." A voice said his name. A boy stepped into the room. A boy with dirty blonde hair, Pale skin, and infamous, unflinching blue eyes. "Long time no see." He leaned at the door frame and crossed his arms, glaring at James with distaste.

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