Chapter Three | Habit

Start from the beginning

“Who?” He asked, looking between Laurie and I. Unsurprisingly, Laurie held the most perfect poker face so I strained and little harder and held mine.

“He’s this really cool British guy that we know!” I gushed in a completely fake voice. Laurie couldn’t hold it in any longer at that point. She burst out laughing and then laughed even harder when Spencer’s confused expression turned into his own pokerface.

“Uh-huh.” He raised his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes. “Have fun finding him.”

He went to walk by us but Laurie and I wrapped our arm around him and pulled him back. We pulled and pulled and he didn’t move an inch. He didn’t even look like he was straining himself. He look a casual step back so he was in front of us again, grinning.

Laurie stuck her tongue out at him, which only made him laugh. He pinched her cheek swiftly. “You’re so cute, Lor.” He grinned cheekily and pulled his hand back just in time to avoid getting it slapped.

“So, we’re going to the mall. Wanna come?” I asked.

“Sure, just let me go grab my purse.” He answered in a high-pitched voice.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed his arm, trying to pull him down the hallway. You’d think that I’d have learned the first time. Of course, I didn’t move him at all. After a minute of pulling on him, he pulled me back and I accidentally tripped forward and right onto him. He caught and steadied me and then released me, laughing like a hyena.

“Are you ready now?” He asked, grinning. I nodded and we all left, this time taking the stairs.

We took Laurie’s car but I drove since I like driving in city traffic. Besides, Bangor is a pretty small city and the traffic is ridiculously light, compared to New York traffic. Spencer said he didn’t mind it but Laurie said she did. She hated driving in heavy traffic of any kind.

It didn’t take us long to get to the mall and luck was with us because we found a good parking spot. We got out and walked into the mall, debating where to go. Laurie and I wanted to go to Debs, JCPenny and Hot Topic. Spencer wanted to go to Hot Topic, Sears and Spencer Gifts. Since we all wanted to go to Hot Topic, we went there first.

It seemed to take us forever to decide which shirts to get. I knew how easily I could blow three hundred dollars in here on one trip so I limited myself to only two band t-shirts and one pair of pants. I knew they’d be a lot cheeper at JCPenny and Debs.

I also looked around for new piercings. My industrial was my favorite of all my piercings so I looked for a new bar for that first. I found a cool silver, squiggly one with black balls on the ends. I also found a nice belly button ring with neon blue balls on the ends.

Next we dragged Spencer to Debs, promising him that we would take him to Sears and Olympia Sport later. He agreed with good grace and we practically ran into the store. Laurie immediately went to the dresses even though she didn’t need a dress. I went over to the pants and shirts, doubting I’d find much that I liked.

After a little while of searching, I ended up buying two new pairs of pajamas, a pair of jeans and two long-sleeve shirts. Laurie ended up buying two pairs of jeans, four shirts and two pairs of pajamas as well as some socks. Spencer spent most of his time finding thongs and putting them on his head while we laughed and slapped him, telling him to cut it out before he was caught.

Next we walked over to Olympia Sport, which was close to Debs. Spencer went towards the back, looking at the jeans and hoodies. Laurie and I stayed to the front of the store, debating if we should get a new pair of converse. Mine were in excellent condition, as were Laurie’s, but I had this fantasy of owning one of every color.

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