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I then swung back to y/n's house.

When I arrived y/n greeted me.


Petra: "Hi

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Petra: "Hi."

y/n: "Is there a reason why you didn't come back home yesterday? Not to sound possessive or anything, just curious."

Petra: " I fought 6 villains at the same time, lost, my boss turned to be on their side, grabbed me threw me off te prison roof and I broke 14 brones in the process."

y/n: "You're sure you don't need a break or anything?"

Petra: "No I'm fine, beside I heal faster than normal humans, but not on Deadpool level, slower than that."

Nightmare: "Referencinggg a characterrrr that isn'ttt even in thissss booook."

y/n: "Who's Deadpool?"

Petra: "Fourth Wall breaker."

y/n: "Alright."

y/n: "Apparently someone released something called "Devil's Breath" yesterday and now everyone is adviced to stay home."

Petra: "Shit!"

y/n: "That's bad new isn't it?"

Petra: "It is. I need to stop it."

y/n: "Good luck."

Petra: "Thanks."

I then quickly left his house and started swinging to Otto's lab.

Petra: "I still can't believe Doctor Octavius is a villain."

I was searching through his lab and found a cure for Devil's Breath.

Petra: "Yes!"

I then started making the cure.

A few hours later I was done doing the cure.

I was swinging to the hospital, but Electro catched me.

Electro: "You'll have to defeat all of us if you want to cure these people!"

Then Vulture appeared.

Petra: "Great."

I tried fighting them both at the same time, but they kept seperating.

I then focused on Vulture and dodged every attack Electro threw at me.

After I took him out I went after Electro.

I tried punching him, but he was all electricised.

I then noticed he was getting his power through the electricity station next to us.

I then swung towards it, but Electro catched me again.

Electro: "You're not going there!"

He then tried to electrocute me, but I quickly kicked him away.

Fear is a weapon. (Spider Girl x male reader.)Where stories live. Discover now