New House.

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When I woke up I looked for a new house and about a hour later I found one.

y/n: "Do you want to live here, Nightmare?"

I asked him as I pointed to the image of the house."

Nightmare: "Yessssss."

I then noticed he ate all of his food.

y/n: "Seriously?"

Nightmare: "Sorrrrrrrrrry."

y/n: "Let me audition for the new house and then I'll buy you food, alright?"

Nightmare: "Okkkkkkkkkkkay."

I auditioned for the house and then headed in to the pet store.

I then noticed how long the waiting row is.

y/n thinking: "Fuck."

Ithen put my bird food on the moving thing. (I have no idea what it's called.)

The girl who was in front of me turned around and said "Hi".

I was shocked sinceI don't know one single person who would start a conversation with someone they don't know in a pet store of all places.

y/n: "Um hello?"

??: "How are you?"

y/n: "Pretty good. You?"

??: "Also good."

She then noticed that I have bird food.

??: "What bird do you have?"

y/n: "A crow."

??: "Isn't having a crow as a pet illegal?"

y/n: "I'm an ornithologist, specifically one that focuses on crows."

I lied to her, but I'll most likely never see her again so I don't really care.

??: "Ahh."

??: "I've got this question for a really long time, but I always forget to Google it, what is a group of crows called?"

y/n: "A murder."

??: "Really?"

y/n: "Yup. It's because of old folk tales."

??: "Okay."

y/n: "Also crows remember faces and masks so if you ever annoy one, he'll come back for you."

??: "I'll remember that."

y/n: "Also what are you here for?"

??: "I'm buying a spider."

y/n: "Alright..."

A few minutes later the row finally ended.

When I got out it looked like me and the girl from earlier were heading towards the same direction.

Petra: "We didn't introduce ourselfs so I'll go first: I'm Petra Parker. And you are?"

y/n: "y/n l/n."

Petra: "Alright."

She then went into house number 616 and I into 617.

Petra: "So you're my new neighbour huh?"

y/n: "I don't know yet, I still haven't been accepted."

I then walked in the house and the previous owner greeted me.

y/n: "Hi."

Previous owner: "Do you want me to guide you through the house?"

y/n: "Yes."

Fear is a weapon. (Spider Girl x male reader.)Where stories live. Discover now