The entire day went into packing my stuff and getting it loaded in the van. Soon we left the house. I locked the door and kept the key underneath the doormat. I let out a painful sigh. I really didn't want to leave but Kyle doesn't even want to see me.
Is this how everything will come to an end? Is there no hope for me and Kyle?

"Sophs come fast we're getting late!!" I heard Tyler shout which got me out of my thoughts. I went towards the car and took my seat next to Tyler. Soon we started to drive.

It was 10 in the morning. I was staring outside and looking at the roads. For some reason, i felt peace after a long time. But no matter what i do or how much i try to distract myself, my thoughts always go back to Kyle. Was meeting him my destiny? Had i not helped him regain his memories, would any of this have happened? But like always, i never got an answer except for a dead silence.

Suddenly we heard a gunshot and one of our tires got punctured which caused the car to loose it's balance and we crashed into a huge tree. Everything happened so suddenly that none of us got the opportunity to even defend ourselves.

Tyler instantly held me close and we both tucked down when the car crashed. The driver unfortunately banged his head against the steering wheel and died instantly. I was feeling fear for the first time. We were in an unknown territory with zero protection, who the fuck caused this?!
Few glass pieces pierced both of us.

When of a sudden few masked men opened the door and forcefully dragged me away from Tyler while two of them held him on ground and tied his hands.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU BASTARDS?! HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY SISTER! LEAVE HER THIS INSTANT AND FIGHT WITH ME YOU RATS" Tyler was screaming and trying to free himself but the men took his gun also and started to punch him black and blue. He was trying so hard to get out of their grip but there were too many to even tackle.


I couldn't even finish my sentence when they put a handkerchief on my nose and of the men did the same to Tyler which caused both of us to loose our senses and we passed out. Everything turned dark and the only thing i heard was Tyler dropping unconscious with a loud thud and the men taking me inside a black van.


Opening my eyes felt like hell. But I had to wake up. Forcing every nerve in me, I opened my eyes and soon I realized, i was tied to a chair and my mouth was taped harshly. My surroundings felt blurry and i legit wanted to pass out. My entire body was hurting and my head was spinning badly.

I looked around and saw the same black masked men standing in full attention. All of a sudden, they all bowed down. I looked towards their direction of bowing and saw two blurry figures, a man and a woman. The man was wearing boots while the woman was definitely wearing heels.

I squinted my eyes to see them clearly and when i did, it felt like someone sucked all the blood from my body. Thousand needles piercing me left and right. As if someone just poured 10 liters of acid on me.

"Well hello my lovely daughter, it has been so long since we last met. I missed you so much baby" The woman who is my so-called mom spoke up in her cringiest voice. I felt like throwing up by just looking at her.

"You really thought you could send Kiyoshi away with our inheritance share and we would sit quietly huh? Why do you think we kept letting you go wherever you wanted? My dear, you were indirectly leading us to Kiyoshi but to our bad luck, he ended up taking over the empire which we thought we destroyed. But no worries, after seeing you all tied up like this, he will come running towards us" The man who is unfortunately my dad laughed like a maniac after finishing his sentence. I never felt so sick and disgusted in my life.

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