Sea Bass

Horner's Favourite

Seb she's not exactly lying

Horner's Favourite
People quite literally worship the ground
that Ferrari walks on and are to blind to
see that the team is pulling a Williams and
going to absolute shit

Alcoholic Iceman
To be honest Seb, she's right
The teams being going to shit since 2008

Daniel Avocado
Felipe Massa is the rightful 2008 champion

Ham-ilton Sandwich
I will crash into you

Daniel Avocado
You can't

Ham-ilton Sandwich
I can

Horner's Favourite
Nah you'll be to busy staring at my back wing
By the end of this race you'll be able to draw
the McLaren back wing from memory

Sea Bass
Let's get back on topic here
Em, stop threatening my team

Alcoholic Iceman
Don't listen to him
Keep doing it
It's funny watching them shit themselves

Horner's Favourite
Okay Seb

Sea Bass
Thank you

Horner's Favourite has removed Sea Bass

Horner's Favourite
I will never stop

Daniel Avocado
That's my girl

Little Senna
Absolutely not
That's my sister you dickhead

Alcoholic Iceman
This is why Em is one of the only people I
can actually stand

She doesn't take any shit

Horner's Favourite
I don't
And I know that Seb will be begging me to
threaten the team again by the end of the year
Because threatening seems to be the only thing
that gets Ferrari to pull their shit together

Ham-ilton Sandwich has added Sebastian
Ham-ilton Sandwich renamed Sebastian
'Sea Bass'

Sea Bass
Your so dead

Sebastian's empty threat went unseen since everyone had fallen asleep by the time he'd been added back to the group chat, having spent twenty minutes spamming Lewis until the Brit had seen his phone and added Sebastian back to the group.

Sunday morning was filled with rushing around (Emilia had pressed snooze a few to many times on her alarm and was now running late) and swearing.

Sebastian had knocked on her door so many times that when she finally swung it open and was greeted with his face she wanted to punch him.

But she held off.

The two best friends headed to their rental cars together before calling each other on their phones and talking through the bluetooth on their cars as they drove to the track, they then waited for each other at the exit of the car park and walked into the paddock together after going up to the fans lining the entrance and signing some things.

Emilia got gifted a beaded bracelet in green, yellow, blue and white with ES and AS added in the middle.

She almost cried as she got Sebastian to clip it around her wrist before hugging the girl that had made it for her which made the fan start crying.

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