Part 12

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Emilia grinned as she walked out of her hotel room tying her hair back into a ponytail.

"Look at you looking all fancy." Daniel smirks.

"Says you." Emilia gesturing the button up shirt he was wearing.

"Yeah well, it's Monaco ain't it." Daniel grins.

Emilia shakes her head, taking the arm he held out for her and stepping out of the room before pausing to adjust her heels on her feet. Conversation always flew easily between them, when they entered the hotel lobby they dropped their arms to avoid any possible rumours of them dating.

Daniel opened the door for Emilia and she slipped into the rental car, using her hand to cover her face as cameras clicked and flashed as Daniel rounded the car surrounded by screaming fans.

"Someone's popular." Daniel laughs as she slams the drivers side door.

"It's two F1 drivers in Monaco, what do you expect?" Emilia laughs.

It was a lot more peaceful once they had driven away, Emilia let the window down slightly, adjusting her sunglasses on the bridge of her nose as Daniel drove down the infamous tarmac streets.

"Would you come back to live here?" Daniel asks, glancing over at the woman next to him.

"If I had to, yes." Emilia responds.

"Why only if you had to?"

"Why do you still live in Australia when you could live here?"

"Okay, fair point."

Emilia looks over to him, raising her eyebrows as his contagious laughter filled the car.

Just like almost every restaurant in Monaco, there was valet waiting outside. Daniel climbed out of the car and lifted his sunglasses, smiling at the fans who had gathered after seeing them in the car pulling up to the restaurant. Emilia smiled, leaving her sunglasses in the car as the door was opened for her, Daniel holding a hand out for Emilia to take which she did with a grateful smile before he helped her out of the car.

If they were to ever get together they would be a very hot and very powerful couple.

Emilia honestly felt like she was in a movie as her and Daniel walked to the entrance of the restaurant, the Aussie handed the keys over to the valet before they were guided towards the hostess who stood just behind the huge glass doors. After handing their booking over to the woman and requesting a slightly quieter area of the restaurant, they were lead over to their table. Emilia found herself trying not to look away as she felt Daniel's eyes on her, she thought he was a rather pretty guy but like usual, she had that sinking feeling that she was betraying Jules by going to dinner with Daniel even though they were just friends and she wasn't planning on dating him anytime soon.

She was pulled from her trance by her phone buzzing, both her and Daniel looked over a the device to see it being spammed and when Daniel saw one of the names he started laughing.

"You really are his older sister." Daniel chuckles.

"The older sister he drags into his crap all the time." She mutters, grabbing the device.

The LeChairs
LeChair Nombre 2 added Emilia
LeChair Nombre 2 renamed Emilia
'Honorary LeChair''

LeChair Nombre 1
Really Charles!?

LeChair Nombre 2
Really Lorenzo

Mother LeChair
Boys stop it
Hello Em!

Honorary LeChair
Hello Pascale!
Charles why am I here?

LeChair Nombre 2
Passive Aggressive...

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