Part 10

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After some rather calm yet slightly chaotic cool down days after the weekend, the drivers slowly began to filter out of Spain. Some went straight to Monaco since that was where the next race would be, others flew to their teams headquarters because they had been called down there (which meant that a lot of the drivers were in England around the Silverstone area due to the placement of the team garages) and others flew out to visit family for a few days before flying out to Monaco.

In the case of Emilia, she had been dragged to Switzerland by Sebastian because the German didn't like the thought of her being alone in Monaco until everyone else arrived.

Despite the fact that both Daniel and Charles would already be there...

"Lia!" The voice of Sebastian's wife, Hanna, echoes through the air once the front door of the house was opened. "Girls, Emilia's here with Dad!"

"Em! Em!" She could hear two pairs of footsteps following the sudden shouts echoing through the air.

Evelyn reached Emilia first, jumping into the arms of her godmother and holding onto her tightly as her younger sister, Rebecca, attached herself to her godmothers leg. Hanna was left smiling at the adorable sight of her daughters reunion with Emilia after so long of not seeing her but couldn't help but laugh at the pure betrayal that sat laced into her husbands face when he saw that his two daughters were more excited to see their godmother than they were their own father.

"Oh did I miss you." Emilia says softly, squatting down so that Evelyn could touch the floor. "But I think your dad wants some hug too, girls."

So, when she finally managed to pry the stubborn Rebecca from her leg and hand her off to Sebastian whose sour look disappeared immediately. Emilia stood up straight and moved to hug Hanna.

The two woman did eventually move out of the foyer of the house, since Sebastian demanded he would go and take his and Emilia's bags upstairs. Emilia joined Hanna in the living room, a cup of coffee in her hands as she sat across one of the sofas with little Rebecca cuddled up into her side attempting to colour in a page of her Disney princess colouring book.

"How's it been?" Hanna asks. "Chaos as usual?"

"You know it has." Emilia comments. "Seb's been trying to keep everyone in check."

"And it would work if it wasn't for you immediately telling them the opposite!" His voice echoes from upstairs.

"Whose them? The usual lot?" Hanna laughs, ignoring her husband to continue chatting with Emilia.

"Daniel, Max." Emilia lists off, using a hand to push some of Rebecca's hair behind her ear with a soft smile. "Fernando, Checo, Valtteri. Sometimes even Kimi because he likes annoying Seb."

"Don't forget Charles and Pierre!" Sebastian shouts from upstairs.

"Your not their parent I am!" Emilia calls back. "Well Charles' at least."

"Charles is Jules' godson right?" Hanna asks.

Emilia hums, nodding her head as she turned her gaze back to Rebecca who had tugged on her shirt to get her attention. Once the four-year-old had finished babbling to her Emilia turned her gaze back up to Hanna only for Sebastian to walk into the room.

"Did Em tell you about Daniel?" Sebastian asks, sitting down next to his wife.

"No!? What about Daniel?" Hanna asks, snapping her head to Emilia.

"Nothing about Daniel, for gosh sakes Seb." Emilia sighs.

"Daniel is infatuated with her." Sebastian informs his gobsmacked wife. "But Em won't do anything about it."

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