Part 30

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Emilia lay on her bed in her hotel room on her back, hands folded together on her stomach and legs hanging off the edge of the bed as she stared up at the ceiling.

She was going over everything that had happened recently in her life, something she tended to do after major events had caused big things surrounding her world to change entirely. She had done it for months after Jules' accident before realising that there were people who needed her there at their side, so she waited until she was alone to do so.

She was going over many things, evalutating them and then deciding how they had impacted her to become who she was now - or more importantly, how they had changed her outlook on life as a whole:

Her move from Williams to McLaren.

Being reunited with Charles after years of not seeing him.

Her car suddenly going to shit.

Reigniting her love for love after it had been torn away from her.

Starting something with Daniel.

Emilia smiled softly to herself as she realised that thinking about anything that could come from her entanglement with Daniel didn't cause pure guilt to bubble up in her stomach and take over her entire body. Instead, the words that the hallucination (she refused to believe that she had seen the ghost of Jules Bianchi) of her ex-boyfriend had said continuously echoing in her ears.

"I'm not angry, Emily."

"I'm happy that your moving on - even if it is with Daniel of all people."

Jules wasn't angry. And he never was.

Ever since his death - and Emilia eventually coming to accept the fact her boyfriend would no longer walk through the front door of their apartment with his big smile and soft accented voice - all Jules Bianchi had wanted for the woman was for her to move on and find someone else to love as much as she had loved him.

Whilst Emilia still didn't think it was possible for her to love someone as much as she did Jules, she was damn well going to try.

"Now you, stop feeling guilty and get your man before I come back to haunt you - and not in the good way."

She ran slightly on pure adrenaline after those words reiterated themself in her head, pushing herself up from the bed and grabbing her phone. Not even bothering to change her clothes to hide the fact she was wearing Daniel's Red Bull hoodie which she had yet to return to him after he'd let her borrow it back in Monaco all those weeks ago. Emilia exited her hotel room.

It seemed like Daniel had been thinking the same thing because she had just moved her hand to knock against the wood when the door swung open. And upon seeing her stood on the other side, Daniel's face morphed into shock just like Emilia's had at the confusion of her showing up. But they both recovered quickly and Emilia stepped inside.

Daniel sat down on the edge of the bed, watching his partner pace in front of him.

He couldn't lie, she did look adorable all flustered and in his hoodie.

Now was definitely not the time for him to comment on that though...

"Em." He says softly, trying to catch her attention. "Emmmm!"

She continued pacing, almost as if she was in her own little world.

Daniel stands up from his position and places himself in front of her, grabbing her hands and squeezing them causing her to snap back to reality whilst he fixed her with his usual smile.

"What are you trying to tell me?" He questions softly.

"I don't know how to say it in English." Emilia admits. "My brain is all-"

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