Part 42

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Imagine a world where everything was perfect.

In another reality, there would be no war, no starvation, no murder...

In another reality, the lives of so many people would be entirely different to the ones they lived in this one.

Emilia Senna may never have stepped into an F1 car. Jules Bianchi may still be alive. Michael Schumacher might not have had his skiing accident. Ayrton Senna could still be alive. Sebastian Vettel could have won the 2017 drivers championship.

Emilia could try and imagine all the possibilities.

But even when she had she decided that she much rather preferred this reality and everything in it.

Despite all the death, accidents and mental torture.

This reality has brought friendships, relationships, life long love and she couldn't imagine ever changing it for something else because all the bad things that had happened to her had shaped her to become the person and driver that she was today.

It seemed that McLaren had finally managed to sort out their shit because in free practice both Emilia and Fernando had topped the first two sessions, pushing the Mercedes, Ferrari's and Red Bull's further down the positions compared to where they were used to being.

The cheers from the French crowd as the two McLaren's roared out of the garage was bigger than the cheer that the Tifosi gave out when the Ferrari's come out of the garage at Monza.

"I cannot believe you and Fernando beat us." Max mutters as him, Emilia and Daniel wander towards the communal motorhome.

"Just admit we're better than you." Emilia grins.

"Never, there's no way in hell your better." Max says.

Daniel shakes his head at the bickering of the two, holding his arm around Emilia's shoulders as she leant subtly into his side whilst Max walked on her other side, holding her hand which they swung in between them because he'd had an impulsive thought and decided to act on it.

Emilia had laughed when he took her hand began to swing it between them but she started to join in as well, muttering about how it was adorable.

Max had grumbled, but his cheeks had turned a slight shade of pink.

Rain had hit the circuit just as free practice 3 had ended so it would be a wet track and possible wet weather for qualifying itself. So the trio walked with their team coats on and hoods up as the rain tried to soak through the material.

The rain only fell harder the longer it took for them to reach the communal motorhome. Eventually, Max and Emilia had squealed from the feeling of the rain hitting their faces and beginning to soak through their raincoats and had held tighter onto the hand of the other before running through the paddock and towards the motorhome, leaving Daniel to laugh and jog after them whilst shouting out their names.

By the time they had gotten inside the communal motorhome, the three of them were soaked through and shivering. Daniel immediately stripped of his coat and hung it up before rushing to go and make himself a coffee to warm himself up whilst Max and Emilia got over their laughing fit first. Doubled over with their hands on their knees laughing until it hurt before glancing at the other and snorting, having to turn away to calm down properly.

When they did finally calm down and start remove their soaked raincoats, only then did they see the looks of sheer confusion they were receiving from their fellow drivers.

"You guys are soaked." Esteban comments, seeing the water droplets falling from the material of their coats and onto the floor.

"Its pissing it down out there." Lewis replies.

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