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«» The moment they first met «»

           Have you ever wished for the downfall of everyone around you? If you haven't, then you're lying.

As the sun was starting to set on the shimmering beach of Outer Banks, young Achilles sat under a small bridge cursing the life out of everyone he saw that morning. He sat there clutching his bleeding knees and feeling the sand prickle his scratched knuckles while he contemplated that morning's events.

It was just his luck that the group of Kook boys that had hated him were in the same area he was walking back home from.

It was also his luck that two police officers had rounded the corner just when he had defended himself by beating them to a pulp.

The two donut-eating, lounging assholes had made it their life mission to try and catch him.

They chased him for a total of thirty minutes before he jumped from a fence that he climbed and was able to lose them.

It was his luck that he ended up landing on his knees instead of his feet.

Stupid cops

The fact that an important rich asshole had just arrived into town and had invited practically the entire kook side for a party, didn't help his matter due to the butt load of police circling the area.

Stupid kooks

After more running, he was able to find the bridge he was currently hiding under with wounded knees and bloodied knuckles.

He sighed knowing he was going to have to trek the way home looking like he crawled his way through the Grand Canyon.

He was going to stand up before he heard the sound of feet shuffling through the sand.

Achilles held his breath thinking the cops found him when a girl looking no more than thirteen appeared in front of him.

She had long brown hair cascading behind her and sun-kissed skin that glowed under the  fleeting rays.

He didn't notice he was still holding his breath.

It was his luck that had her run towards him when she saw the blood running down his knees.

It was also his luck when she insisted that she help bandage his wounds while he sat there looking like a blind fish that was trying to find food by opening and closing its mouth.

She, for some reason, fished out My Little Pony band aids from her little bag and apologized for having only those particular kinds.

He was able to nod his head in acceptance while she applied them to the now-cleaned wounds.

After the very awkward encounter of utter silence from him and the very energized rambling from the girl in front of him, he finally worked up the courage that JJ would normally try and find to talk after his mother lectured the both of them.

When he finally found it, he was able to ask her her name.

Before she could respond, a worried "BIANCA" was screamed not too far from where they were.

She had giggled and said that was her name before saying goodbye and leaving him in utter disbelief with My Little Pony band aids on his knees.

When he finally returned home, he didn't even care that JJ and John B had made fun of his band aids till the next morning.

All he could remember, were her gentle touch as she cleaned his bloodied hands and knees.

It was his luck when he found out that the girl was the new rich asshole's daughter.

He wasn't sure if he should curse her father or not, after thinking it through in his eighth-grade history class while attempting to hide the band aids.

It was his luck that he was called to read in front of the entire classroom. 

'Fuck' Achilles had thought. 

Author note:


I hoped you guys liked the prologueee

so this is their first encounter at 13 years old

I am LOVING sassy, young Achilles; he's such a mood!

anyways have a good dayyy 

- Love Ray🌸

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