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(me on a roll with chapters because its 3am when i am able to shed my human skin amd rule my undead realms and feel most inspired knowing full well ill regret it in the morning when i get up at 9 to feed my cats... 〜⁠(⁠꒪⁠꒳⁠꒪⁠)⁠〜

but also like... Finally not burnt out so like i gotta)

After your Wonderful time with Freddy, and once you were coherent enough to get dressed and fix yourself up a bit. You kissed Freddy goodbye and wandered off the main entrance of the pizzaplex.

Walking home probably wasn't the best idea, but you felt like calling Nick so late would be rude.

But you didn't make it to the door.

"Y/n youre still here?" Sandra rounded around the corner, her eyes engulfed in dark circles of exhaustion.

"Uhm..." You stuttered over your words, "ye-yeah. I uh had to help Monty clean up a mess in his room..."

What a lame excuse.

And she gave you a look saying she knew it was lame too.

"Girl, ive been here since Bonnie and Foxy were here. And youre not the only one to be infatuated with am animatronic..." She pulled up a chain around her neck, it was a gold pirate looking doubloon, "i was a little more than just Foxy's caretaker."

"Oh... Why do you stay if hes gone?" You hadn't meant to ask so bluntly.

But... If you lost Freddy, itd be unbearable to stay here.

"...its hard. But... In a way, it makes me feel close to him. Especially in kids cove... So i stay. Besides i love roxy and chica, and some of my coworkers. Although i will say ots impressive you even managed close to Monty let alone in a relationship."

You choked, she thought you were with Monty!?

"I-im not with Monty. Im woth Freddy..."

She scrunched her face, "but i thought... " She paused, a deep frown on her face, "well maybe im tired and remembering wrong..." She trailed off.

What was she talking about?

"Anyways, regardless you dont gotta hide it from me. Im probably gonna be the most understanding human here." She smiled.

"Well, thats good to know. I haven't told anyone but you and nick and his partner..."

"Ive heard about their little polyamorous thing, kudos to them..." It suddenly seemed to click with her that you were about to leave, "oh.. dont tell me you planned on walking home after what happened last time?"

"I... Well yes?" You admitted.

She shook her head, "no way. Way to dangerous... Why dont you stay here? You can sleep in the security office, theres a loveseat in there you can sleep on. Used to be Bonnie's... Its pretty comfy."

"Is that even legal? For me to sleep here?" You ask.

She shrugs, "honey im on my third 24 hour split shift in a row. i dont care whats legal and whats not. At this point i could commit tax fraud and not give a shit. But you are not walking home alone."

You dont think shes a mother, but the mother tone was strong with her. You weren't walking home and that was final.

Instead she led you to the security office, it wasnt too big, but there were a lot of screens to watch. And as she said a blueish purple loveseat was placed against the wall. Unlike Freddy or Montys loveseats, Bonnie's was fluffy.

And soft.

And you were asleep in no time.

You were woken up by Sandra gently shaking you awake, "hey hun, its almost opening time. You dont gotta sneak out or nothin, but im sure you wanna get home and shower and maybe nap in your bed a bit before you gotta come back."

Groggily you sat up, "yeah... Just a bit"

Especially a shower, it was needed after what you did with Freddy.

You took your time to sit up and adjust to being awake, Sandra handing you a warm coffee.

With cup in hand you shuffled to the entrance, barely awake. Preparing yourself for the bright sun.

But once again, just as you reach the entrance door your stopped.

"Y/n?" The familiar deep voice from a certain gator called out.

You looked up forcing your eyes not to squint so hard, "hey" you mumbled

"What are you..." Monty stopped mid sentence and his nose twitched.

Like he smelled something fowl. A scowl forming from his lips.

"Nevermind..." His eyes glared at you. Or maybe your neck?

Who knows.

You were to tired to understand anything he said anyways.

"Hey, ill see you later Alligator. But i gotta get home.." you sipped your coffee hoping the beverage would kick in soon.

"Yeah. Sure. See ya." He didn't really linger and stormed off.

What kind of stick is up his ass this time?

You shrugged it off and continued on your way home, this time actually making it out the damn door.

Once at home, you were finally more awake. You showered, ate some breakfast. Your sisters had made eggs and bacon with jelly toast.

You ate a lot, and then found yourself in pain from the food baby forming in your stomach. Soon enough you were back asleep, this time in a food coma.

When you woke up again, it was because you had to make a mad rush to the bathroom, the food and the coffee all kicking in at once.

And after several minutes, you left the bathroom and plopped back into bed.

You were finally, really awake.

And you couldn't get last night out of your mind.

Maybe its cause you had never had that done to you, but Freddy had been really good with his tongue...

Sighing heavily you smiled to yourself. Hopefully youd have a chance to see him again tonight, hopefully not so long thag youd have to stay the night there again.

Checking your phone it was nearing the time for Nick and Riley to come pick you up.

Better start getting ready. You changed into comfortable sweat pants and a thin hoodie, you wanted to be lazy today.

But as you were getting ready you swe it. The marks trailing your collarbone and neck.

Oh dear god.

Freddy marked you.

That devious bear.

You weren't mad, honestly... You liked the marks. Youve never liked them before but... Coming from freddy? It made you feel like you really were his.

Smiling wide you tried to cover the marks with your hair. You didn't wanna get questions from Nick or Riley.

After you were fully ready, Nick was just in time to message you and say he was here.

You skipped down the steps and hopped into the backseat, "hey guys!"

"Hey hey!" Riley greeted.

"Sup girly!" Nick yawned, "you sure seem chipper." He stated as he pulled out of your driveway.

You tried to hide the blush on your cheeks, "just well rested i guess."

"Lucky, ive been tossing n turning all night." Nick yawned again.

"I slept wonderfully~" Riley bragged to him, a playful smile on their face.

"Oh im sure you did." He grumbled but still smiled.

About 15 more yawns from Nick later, he finally pulled into the pizzaplex parking lot and the three of you walked in together before separated at the green rooms.

Entering Montys room, you were taken by surprise to see him not in sight and his bass completely snapped in half on his sofa. The wood splintered in jagged sharp points.

Oh dear.... That cant be good...

(Mkay. Thats enough spoiling yall for tonight. My ass gonna sleep now. Obviously enjoy the cliffhanger:) )

Rivals (Monty x Reader x Freddy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora