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Day Four


As soon as you had gotten home, and your head hit that pillow, you were knocked out. Felt like no time had passed before you were woken up by your phone, the screen shining bright with 20 missed calls from Riley and Nick.

Thats when you registered the time on your phone.

Oh shit, you thought quickly rolling out of bed, nearly tripping as you rushed to get dressed. You wanted to shower but, you lost your opportunity by oversleeping.

You pulled on some jeans, a graphic t and one of your hoodies. Grabbing your bag you stuffed your phone, brush, deodorant and perfume into it knowing you didn't have time to apply it right now or brush your hair. Monty wouldn't mind if you used his vanity anyways.

Sending a quick text to Nick saying you were coming, you put on your shoes and dashed down the steps.

Missed the last step, slipped, fell on your ass, cursed and scrambled to get back up.

You hated feeling this rushed. You always felt like you were forgetting something.

Locking the door behind you, you rushed to Nicks car hopping in the backseat.

"Damn girl, when did you go to bed?" Riley asked as Nick sped out of the driveway.

"Uhm around 7am when i git home... I forgot to set an alarm..." You rubbed your eyes.

You still felt tired as shit.

"Well we should still be on time..." Riley assured.

You noticed Nick was quiet today. You wondered if something was wrong but didnt want to seem intrusive.

Riley seemed to read your mind though, "Nick has something to say to you."

Nick peered at you from the rearview mirror, "uhm.." he cleared his throat, "sorry if i overstepped any boundaries yesterday about you and Monty... I know its really none of my business..."

You had a feeling his apology was Riley's doing. They must have given him an earful.

Still, you accepted his apology.

Least you got your answer. Monty wasn't interested. Now all you had to do was ignore these feelings till they went away naturally.

The three of you quickly rushed to your designated Animatronics. At his door is when your anxiety spiked.

Ugh... Just suck it up.

Using your card you unlocked the door and entered Montys room.

"Y/n!!!" Mallory shouted from where she sat on the floor with coloring pages and bags of chips spread around her.

Monty sat on his sofa, head back, legs spread one arm up on the cushion and the other tapping his leg. And he had his shades on.

You hadn't seen those in forever.

Oh man. He made more then just your heart flutter.

Rivals (Monty x Reader x Freddy)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя