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While your night with Monty was great, truly this was the thing you looked forward to the most; seeing Freddy.

You had missed him so much and couldn't wait to see him. Knocking on his door you expected him to answer right away. Like always...

But there was no answer.

Your pass only worked on Montys door and certain other doors. So you couldn't just walk in.

Maybe he didn't hear you?

You tried knocking again only this time louder. You stepped back when you still didnt get a response.

Was he charging maybe? Or was he not in his room?

You didn't have time to wait around, so much to your dismay, you had to go home. You turned toward the exit and started walking, footsteps hurried behind you.

You looked back hoping to see Freddy but it was only Vanessa.

"Hey! Uh, y/n? Right?" She asked keeping speed with you.

"Uhm yeah?"

"I had a hard time finding you today. But tomorrow you and Monty need to meet me in parts n service after greenroom visits to prepare for a performance." She explained, rather quickly.

She looked twitchy but you brushed it off on her maybe being tired.

"Oh, okay. Will do."

She grabbed your arm making you stop, "im serious when i say this, make sure hes in a good mood. We need this to be a smooth performance, and he and chica have solos."

You nodded,"i promise he wont be in a bad mood."

"Okay. Im counting on you. See you tomorrow then." Vanessa rushed off as always not waiting for you to respond.

Youve never actually been able to see them perform. This would be so exciting, youd get to see Freddy sing!

Slightly less sad, you hurried off to meet up with Nick and Riley.

Unsurprisingly, the two were smoking as they waited for you. Nick smiled and waved as you neared the car.

"Ay, ready to get home?" He asked taking a final puff and stomping out the cigarette on the ground.

"Sure am, i cannot wait to sleep." Your shoulders dropped, you were so tired.

"Haha us too, were a bit nervous about preparing the animatronics for the performance tomorrow.." Nick said as the three of you climbed in the car.

"Really? How come?" You hugged a squishmellow, still sad you couldn't see Freddy tonight.

"We've heard that they are really difficult before performing. Especially Roxy and Monty." Riley explained.

"Oh, so its you and i who will struggle the most then?" You half joked

Riley smiled, "its likely yeah. Chica i think gets nervous but Freddy if im right doesnt cause much issues. But even so we have to make sure they look good, theyre instruments are tuned and they know what they're playing... Its gonne be hectic i feel like."

"Oof, well im sure we'll manage..." You sure hoped.

Montys temper was short, you didnt want him and freddy getting into it or for Monty to snap. Last time he did you almost died...

"Girl, i sure hope so." Said Riley, with a hint of doubt in her voice.

But the doubt was there for you too.

You hadnt been worried about it at first. But now you were anxious.

You woke up to screaming from downstairs. You checked your phone, it was only 8am. You were tired and wanted to sleep more. But the shouting from downstairs wouldn't stop.

Your sisters were probably arguing about something stupid. With an inhuman groan you rolled out of bed and headed down the steps to see what the fuss was about.

You probably looked like a mess, but usually didnt care when it came to your family.

Your mother and father were both dressed for work, probably drinking their coffee before they had to leave. But your sisters who were leaning against the island were both talking at once arguing with your parents who looked like they were already over it.

"Come on dad! Everyone else is going!" Lisa whined.

She was the middle child. 13 years old, Only a year older than Anna.

"What are yall screaming about..." You glared at your sisters.

"Mom and dad wont let us go hangout with Ethan and Dylan at the pizzaplex tonight." Anna explained.

Oh well no shit. Their boys. You're supposed to lie.

"We aren't letting you go off with a couple of boys past curfew! How do we know youre actually going to the Pizzaplex? How do we know those boys will behave? You aren't leaving this house without supervision!" Mom snapped agressively sipping her coffee.

Lisa's eyes sparkled with evilness, "y/n can watch us!"

"What?" Oh no. Of course youd be dragged into this

"Yeah! Shes gotta be there anyways!" Anna pitched in.

Your father dug his face deeper into his news paper wanting nothing to do with this. Your mother pinched the bridge of her nose and looked to you.

"I cant watch them and work at the same time..." You regret coming down here.

"Look, all you have to do is make sure they dont leave the pizzaplex..."

"Fine..." No point in arguing. It was 3 against one, you wouldn't win this.

Of all nights, it had to be when you had to manage monty before a performance and now your sisters too?

"Yes!" They both shouted running off to their room.

"We have to go. Call us if anything happens." Mom said as she and dad grabbed their coats and left.

You were wide awake now. But you had a feeling tonight wasn't going to go smoothly. Eyeing the pot of coffee you decided youd need the caffeine boost and poured yourself a cup.

You didnt even like coffee. Starbucks maybe but this was gross and your mother only had regular creamer.

But you drank it anyways praying youd make it through the day.

(Sorry for the wait. Ive been drawing a lot lol and obsessing over the last of us)

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