"I..." But his breath seemed choked, too nervous. "I just... I am."

"You intend to search Khaotung's bag?"

Pawin swallowed his saliva then remained in a standing position as First came toward him with Louis' water bottle in his hand.

"Your book has not been found and you still believe that Khaotung is the thief?"

"No one has yet to prove that Khaotung is not the culprit," Pawin said.

"You also have no proof that Khaotung is the culprit," retorted the First.

Pawin tightened his grip on Louis' book behind his back, then looked at First with a small smile.

"Mr. Nan is starting to stop investigating the disappearance of my book as well as Louis, even though the test is over I still want to find my book. Khaotung is the most suspected person by everyone right now."

"And you have no right to search his bag just like that."

Pawin even chuckled at this, he then reminded  First if Khaotung had also done the same thing in the past to him.

"That's because he has two reasons. First, you made a group chat without him, and second you lied about coming to class first. And you? Just because people keep talking without evidence you're going to go search his bag?"

Once again First warned Pawin not to touch Khaotung's stool. He had been trying to be nice to him, albeit reluctantly because Khaotung would not like to see him close to Pawin.

After that, First quickly left the classroom to return to the infirmary.
Leaving Pawin who had lost his free time to store Louis' book under Khaotung's bench. That was because the school bell had already sounded for Grade 11, and the kids started returning to class right after Pawin put Louis' book into his bag again.
To apologize, Joong bought a drink for Khaotung in the auxiliary classroom building.
Even though Khaotung was looking much better, there wasn't even a scar around his nose, Joong still apologized for making that sharp nose bleed so much.

"Let me see your nostrils." Joong lifted the face of Khaotung who was busy reading Marc's assignment, trying hard to look at the two nostrils and make sure there was no blood left there.

"I should also go apologize to your mother," Joong continued dramatically.

"She'll angry at  me more for not being careful," Khaotung retorted and then told Joong not to go to his house, just to be annoying.

"It must be because you're short," Joong said again, really purely talking about the main factor why his nose was bleeding, but Khaotung took it as an insult. So Khaotung attacks Joong quite brutally with Marc's book punches.

Marc and First, who saw it, looked very jealous, why are they that close?
First was even more shocked when he saw Khaotung rubbing Joong's head because he accidentally hit the metal barrier of the motorcycle parking lot.
Marc even chuckled, as Joong again touched Khaotung's face to check his nose.

"I want to hit him," First muttered.

"Me too," Marc replies.

Pawin managed to get a hold of Joong and Khaotung's sweet moment, then re-watched it before uploading it to social media.
He captioned it as sweetly and romantically as he could, hoping that Dunk would see it quickly.

"I always find a way to keep them away from you, Khaotung."


Khaotung was currently in the toilet, washing his hands after urinating.
Then he felt surprised when suddenly one of the toilet cubicles opened and revealed a smiling Mike to him.

Bad Friend: 1.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن