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Milo walked to the power plant which was far from where he currently was. He walked past many strange looking plants and the skeletons of what used to be trees. He came to a large creek which had a fallen log. He walked across the log and onto the other side of the creek. Milo felt his teeth vibrate as he came to the entrance of the power plants. There was nothing here but ash and left over debris. He kept walking until he came to a hatch door which laid flat onto the ground. He squatted down and rubbed the ash off of the panel. 

A faint memory shot through his head, "Don't be scared, baby. Mommy's gonna protect you. Just follow me and you will be safe, always." 

He pulled open the heavy panel and was met with a long ladder leading into darkness. He pulled out his flashlight and climbed down the long ladder. "This is hell." he whispered to himself. 

Finally, he reached the bottom of the ladder. He shined the flashlight around the room which was dark and stuffy. He covered his face as lights came on and he saw what looked like a makeshift lab. There was a clipboard with a weird symbol and the letters "SYMH". He looked over the chart which was in some foreign language though he oddly understood what it meant. It was just vitals for someone or something. He looked around the rest of the room to see a weird machine with wires running from it, covered in dust. Everything was covered in dust. 

His head began to erupt with pain as a memory came flooding in, "Milo? Can you hear me?" a woman asked. 

He fell to the floor and then the pain stopped. Milo continued searching the room for something to give him answers. He found another VHS tape titled, "For Milo". He put it into his bag and then ransacked the rest of the room, going through every box, every drawer, and searching for more clues. 

Something fell over behind him causing him to jump in shock at the loud sound. He looked to where the noise came from and saw a static black figure. It looked at him then began crawling on the ceiling heading after him. Milo ran from the creature and climbed up the ladder. It screamed out as it smashed into the wall causing the ladder to shake. Milo quickly made it out of the room and slammed the hatch shut. He grabbed a metal rebar and shoved it through the lock on the hatch. Locking the monster inside as it screamed and smashed itself against the hatch door. Milo ran away quickly into the dead woods towards town. 

A mysterious timer continues to count down, "4,540,863"

Milo made it back to the larger creek where he climbed onto the fallen log. He carefully walked across the log but as he made it to the center he saw his mother standing on the other side with her hand out. Her face was bloodied and disfigured. 

She began to call to him, "Milo, come to me. Come back to us. I want to hold you again." 

Milo closed his eyes and became unsteady on the log. He opened his eyes because he felt her hand on his shoulder then he slipped. 

Everything slowed down while his mother stood there watching him fall with a smile on her face. Tears escaped his eyes once he smashed into the rushing water, then against the sharp rocks below. Everything went dark. He could feel his life slipping through the cracks of death. He was ready to die. He was ready to give up. He wanted this. He longed for the pain to finally be over. He couldn't take it anymore. This was it. This was his end. It was dark, lonely, and cold. He accepted it with a final breath then a long sharp rock hit him in the back of the head.

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