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Milo opened his eyes slightly as the burning car around him was beginning to grow larger with flames. 

"AHHH!" Milo cried as he unbuckled himself from the upside down van and fell onto his aching back. Milo was so dizzy from the accident that he just passed out where he laid.

A mysterious timer continues to count down, "6,954,700".

Milo's eyes shot open and he took in a deep breath before looking around in fear. The sun sat bright in the sky and he was still in the upside down car which was now smoking, the smell of burning rubber was strong. Milo coughed hard before looking at his leg that was covered in blood along with his arms. The broken fragments of glass cut into him as he pulled himself out of the upside down van and onto the road.

"Ouch!" Milo cried aloud as he looked up at the bridge he fell from after he hit two other cars during his distraction. Milo recalled the events that led up to him flying off the bridge…

Milo began prying open the Yummy-mart doors while the night became cold and he felt as if he was being watched by someone, or something. Finally, he got the doors open so he walked inside the quiet, rotten smelling Yummy-mart. 

He hesitantly called out into the store, "Hello?" in hope that someone was there to reply, however, as always, silence. 

Milo grabbed a shopping cart and then walked past the checkouts. He began making his way towards the canned food aisle. Watching movies and reading books helps your imagination grow. Your mind retains certain knowledge such as: canned food usually does not go bad for a long amount of time and dried foods are good for a while as well.  Although, Milo has no idea how long everyone has been gone or how long he has been asleep. Milo's survival instincts and previous knowledge helped him gather food that might still be good to eat.

Also, Sam was very big on survival hacks amongst other things. He was a great source of information when Milo wasn't sure about something. Milo looked at the canned foods and found some cans of fruit he could eat along with soups and vegetables. He was torn between vegetable soup, chicken noodle soup, and other various soups. He never really liked soup growing up but now wasn’t the time to be picky. He grabbed ten cans of chicken noodle soup, 7 cans of chicken and wild rice, 9 cans of garden vegetables, and 13 cans of creamy chicken and dumplings.

After he finished grabbing the soups, Milo, decided that he should find some type of meat to get his protein. He could smell the rotting meat from where he was, he knew there had to be canned meat somewhere. He tracked down the aisles grabbing various other things, however, he could not find the type of canned meat he was searching for.

He sighed in despair, "No meat? Why did we not learn to can meat? Oh, tuna!" He went to the tuna aisle and grabbed a few cans of tuna. The canned salmon was also there along with the canned sardines. He grabbed all he could as to not be picky.

"Maybe crackers would go well with tuna-or so I have seen in commercials. Why have I never tried tuna before?" Milo said to himself before hearing a loud, startling crash come from somewhere in the store.

Milo quickly ran to the dried foods aisle where he grabbed a bunch of beef jerky, trail mix, chips, and cans of mixed nuts. He loaded the cart halfway full of the items he knew he would eat. Suddenly he remembered, "Water!" Milo sprinted to the bottled water aisle then he saw the energy drinks next to the water so he instantly grabbed a few of everything. As he pushed his now heavy shopping cart, he saw the alcohol at the other end of the aisle. He pondered for a moment as he stared at the variety of alcohol.

"I am almost 19 which is close to 21 so-WAIT there is obviously no one around and the laws no longer apply." Milo told himself in confidence as he grabbed a large can of beer and a bottle of whiskey.

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