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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 756 - Beyond Death And Through Eternity

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C756 - Beyond Death And Through Eternity


Chapter 756 - Beyond Death And Through Eternity

But so what if it was the devil? Jin Liwei didn’t give a damn. If his fifth brother was playing with him, then he was going too far! Their conversation was about Jin Liwei’s beloved woman, so there was no way in hell that he was going to back down. He needed a definite answer from Lu Zihao and he was going to get it even if they end up getting into a brawl.

"You can try to kill me," Jin Liwei said, his voice hard with barely restrained aggression. "You’re much bigger and physically stronger than I am now, but if you really want to kill me, I won’t go down without a fight. I’m now a family man. My wife is pregnant with twins—"

"She’s not your wife yet," Lu Zihao interjected in an eerily calm voice yet still managed to sound threatening.

"Xiulan and I may not be married under the law yet, but we’ve been living like a pair of husband and wife since we became officially engaged. No, even before that." Then Jin Liwei scowled. "And why the hell do I need to explain my relationship with my woman with you? You may be one of my best friends, one of my closest brothers, but don’t go too far!"

"I’ll go as far as I want. She’s my sister. Her business is my business. Deal with it."

Jin Liwei couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Did Lu Zihao really say that? And he, Jin Liwei, had to deal with it? What the hell?! He had to make sure that he heard it correctly. "Are you serious?"

Lu Zihao’s face remained impassive. "Do I look like I’m joking?"

"Fifth Brother—no. Lu Zihao, I can’t believe you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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