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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 751 - I’ll Crush Them All

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C751 - I’ll Crush Them All



Chapter 751 - I’ll Crush Them All

Iris rubbed her hand on her flat stomach on instinct. She never really thought that this body she had now was that weak and fragile. But when she thought about it, her brother had a point in saying that.

Yes, this body suffered a lot of health problems especially when she just woke up from that one-year coma and discovered that she had been reborn as a completely different person. It took a few months for her to recover that time. There was also the time when she fell into another coma after meeting her Big Brother Nikolai as Lu Zihao for the first time and being overwhelmed by the shock. Next was when she was dealing with the original’s remnant, she almost lost total control of this body. And most recently, the bomb incident caused her some serious injuries that left scars on her shoulder.

However, all of these didn’t deter her from believing that she was capable of carrying Jin Liwei’s babies to full term and giving birth to them. This body was healthy enough to do that. Now that she had accepted the fact that she was going to become a mother to her own biological children, the excitement was trumping any fear that she had before.

She thought for a few moments about how to respond to her brother. As for Lu Zihao, he waited for her to gather her thoughts and just sat there in silence, letting her digest everything he told her.

"I’m sure that there are many women in the world who are far weaker than me physically but still successfully gave birth and they’re doing just fine," she finally said. "I’ll search it up, gather the appropriate data, and show them to you, if you don’t believe me."

He sighed. "That’s not the point I want you to focus on, Evelinka."

She avoided his gaze and continued rubbing her abdomen.

HIS GENIUS WIFE IS A SUPERSTAR  Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon